We are all Dying

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"So you're thinking of testing anyone that's been sick for more than thirty-six hours or so and seeing who's immune, isolating their phagocyte cells and replicating them. Good plan. If this virus becomes too widespread, we won't have the resources needed, but right now, since it's mainly in cities. I should be able to get some blood from the hospitals I'm working with, and I can let the other labs do the same," he said, actually accepting my plan.

I was kind of assuming he would fight me on it since I was technically brain-damaged, but thankfully, he agreed with me.

I hung up with him and called the hospital CEO, asking for survivors and a group of lab techs to help me, both of which were supplied immediately.

"Okay. I need you to get the blood from the survivors. You're going to be mixing the vaccine fluid. You will be helping me run the DNA amplifier machines and cleaning the tubes so we can keep the process moving. We should be able to crank out at least a thousand of these in the next twenty-four hours if we focus," I explained to the motley crew of lab technicians I was given.

"Um, excuse me...I have one question?" one of the bitchy guys named Cole asked, raising his hand like he was in class.

"Uh, okay?" I asked, not really having left anything up in the air as to our plan.

"Who the fuck died and put you in charge? My boss is Jason. Last I checked, you don't have a dick," he said with a simpered smile full of attitude. I could have yelled at him for his arrogance, but I just smiled and calmly walked away.

"Yeah, that's what I thought...weak ass bitch," he said with a laugh to the others who looked at him like he was crazy.

I took the towel I had bled into on the way over here, and before he even had the chance to react, I had the towel in his face, and his scream pierced the large lab.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! THIS HAS LIKE ACTUAL BLOOD," he said, throwing the towel across the room disgusted.

"Yep. So for all intents and purposes, you can assume you're dying from the virus too now like hundreds of other people out there. If you want to save yourself, you need to get your act together and start working," I told him overly sweetly, loving the way his eyes lit up with fire at being forced into working and actually thinking of someone but himself.

"I'm reporting her to the ethics board," he mumbled to one of the other lab techs who was less than sympathetic, just shrugging, hiding their own mirth at my tactics. There was no denying who was the boss in the room now.

We got to work quickly and started replicating the immune cell's DNA, which we would need to work with to give everyone immunity. It would take a few hours at least until the first batch of a hundred was done, so once we got the tubes loaded with the blood we got from downstairs from survivors, it was just a waiting game.

I had been rushing all day, so when I pressed the start button on the machine and had nothing left to do but wait, it was a tense few moments before I decided what to do next.

"I think we have a solution to the virus issue," Mr. Right didn't respond right away, but I had learned that was typical of him. After a few minutes, he responded.

"Of course you did. You're a genius after all." I didn't know if he was being sincere or using sarcasm, but either way, the comment made me smile.

"My husband gave me some of his blood. I had the virus and was dying."

"That's awfully nice of him. I think I have feelings for him." I didn't mean to message the last part, but rationality didn't catch up with me until after it was sent. However, the Freudian slip made me look a bit closer at my thoughts, and I for sure held a far larger amount of positive feelings for Jason now than I had before.

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