📺~Vox's Tango Part One~📺 (Vox x Reader)

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(The video isn't mine; credit goes to who made the pic and Vivziepop.)

You had been Alastor's sidekick ever since you first came to hell. He taught you everything you know now, and you took after him a lot...little did you know you would also share the same rival as Alastor.

As much as Vox hated Alastor for his return in hell and Alastor declining Vox's offer seven years ago...Vox felt something different for Y/N....something twisted in its own right.

For many days on end after the musical of Alastor's and Vox's, Vox couldn't help but follow you and Alastor everywhere or he would keep his eye on you two everywhere through the cameras and screens in hell.

"Vox, what are you doing?" Valentino asked in an annoyed tone, seeing how Vox was getting so obsessed by all this.

"Nothing, Val...mind your business." Vox said with an aggravated and serious tone as he continued to try and snoop on Alastor and his sidekick.

Valentino looked genuinely surprised and a little hurt by Vox's tone. Valentino looked the other way and walked off as he said, "I can't believe I waste my time with you."

Vox then snapped out of it and realized he'd been a little harsh to Valentino...but he couldn't let his feelings get involved in him trying to chase down Alastor and his sidekick while finding out every little thing they do.

For weeks now, Vox stayed to himself constantly watching his monitors. So, he was obsessed obviously, he just didn't like admitting it when someone came to talk to him about it.

Days and nights, weeks to months, this kept going on...and Vox's feelings only grew stronger...one of hate for Alastor...and one of something he couldn't understand for Y/N.

He finally got an idea. "Oh, I think this is gonna work~" Vox said with a malicious grin. He had finally prepared the perfect setting to explain how he feels to Y/N. His feelings for them were twisted and dark in its own right, he wanted to smother them in his affection and obsess over them all the time with no boundaries and no limits....he wanted to posses them and keep them always with him forever. No one would ever get in the way of his adoration towards them...never.

A day later, Vox stood outside the Hazbin Hotel, this is where Y/N resides after all due to their familiarity with Alastor of course. Vox looked around to see if he could get any clue as to where Y/N's room may be...to his downfall...their room might not be so obvious to the public...possibly more in the halls of the hotel. Therefore, he realized...he needs to go in.

Vox, against his better judgement and blinded by his attraction, walked into the hotel and put on a fake smile. 

As soon as Vox walked in, everybody looked towards him in shock and surprise. "Well this is something you don't see everyday." Angel said in disbelief yet still chill about the situation.

"Oh my gosh...OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Charlie said as she fanned herself quickly hopping around smiling. Vaggie put a hand on Charlie's shoulder as her jaw was open. "Nah ah, no way..." Vaggie said as she looked Vox up and down to see if this was actually real. Charlie then regained her composer and walked up to Vox extending her hand out for a shake. "Your overlord-ness, it is an honor to have you here, in my very own hotel! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Charlie said as she bowed dramatically. Alastor on the other hand, well....he sadly spat out his jambalaya.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Vox said as he checked his nails while dissing everyone in the room. He needed to act chill and not make his true intentions clear. 

Alastor choked a little but remembered....as long as he exists which always bothers Vox, then Vox won't be here for long. 

Vox looked up casually to see if he could spot Y/N anywhere. To his surprise, they weren't there and usually they were always somewhere trolling around with Alastor. Vox huffed and returned back to Charlie's gaze as he spoke in a false sweet tone. "Dear Princess~ It is more honorable to be in your presence, truly~" He then bowed and kissed the top of her hand. He did not enjoy this one bit but he would do anything to get the Princess of Hell's trust so he wouldn't have to worry about anyone suspecting something weird. He even started using his hypnosis to hypnotize her into trusting him like he did with the crowd of reporters in, "Radio Killed The Video Star". 

Just then, Alastor got in the way of both of them as he gave Vox a dirty look while he said with such venom and sarcasm. "Alright folks, I think that's enough for today's show. How about we go ahead and return to our respective quarters, hmm~?" Charlie then smiled as she then turned to all the rest of them and said, "Alright everybody, Alastor is right. It's getting late and we need some good rest for whatever tomorrow may bring, so everyone go ahead and started returning back to your rooms for the night. I wish you all a good night and sweet dreams, I'll see you all in the morning!"

With that, everyone took off back to their rooms for the night and Charlie helped Vox get settled into his new room at the hotel. It wasn't anything extremely extravagant, but it was pretty well done for being a room for a guest. Vox got settled into his room as he looked around and took in the new scenery and new display of surroundings. He started thinking that maybe being here for a little while longer isn't so bad but then he remembered his goal in this...to get Y/N to himself so he can fully explain to them how he feels, in hopes they feel the same way too.

(Alright I'll stop there, part two is in the works right now. I hope y'all like it. Wow, word count is 1003)

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