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In the vibrant tapestry of Mumbai's bustling streets, where the past collides with the present, two souls are drawn together by a force as old as time itself.

Aryan, a young charismatic man with dreams as vast as the horizon, navigates the complexities of life with a charming demeanor and a restless spirit yearning for something more. Meanwhile, Esha, a woman of grace and strength, conceals a heart brimming with untold stories beneath her practical exterior.

As Aryan navigates the complexities of life with determination and charm, a restless spirit within him yearns for something more, something he can't quite grasp. Meanwhile, Esha's practical nature and keen eye for detail belie a deep-seated desire for adventure and romance.

Their paths cross in unexpected ways, leading to chance encounters and fleeting moments that hint at a deeper connection.Yet, it is in the quiet whispers of their dreams that the true mystery lies.

 As they navigate the complexities of love and longing, they begin to unravel the mysteries of their shared dreams—haunting visions that seem to pull them towards a burned-down school, a place steeped in tragedy and lost love from their past lives.

As whispers of destiny weave through the streets of Mumbai, Aryan and Esha find themselves on a journey of self-discovery and love, guided by the promises of fate. And as they delve deeper into the shadows of their past, they discover a love that has endured across lifetimes, a love that refuses to be forgotten. 

A/n :- Thanku for reading gyus, hope you find the novel worth giving a try and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts:)

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