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In a realm where shadows danced with secrets, Akshara sought escape from her confines. As the door stood steadfast against her will, a glimmer of hope beckoned from a cracked window. Weaving a makeshift ladder of bedsheets, she descended into the unknown, guided by threads of daring. 

Yet, the fates conspired against her, as a vigilant guardian's gaze pierced through the dusk, leading her into the looming presence of the monarch, her fate tethered to his whims by an unforgiving grip. 

In the living hall,

Abhimanyu sat upon the plush couch, savoring his juice, when his gaze fell upon Akshara, his beloved, being escorted by his sentinel. In that moment, his eyes darkened with a tempest of fury.. 

He who dared to embrace his beloved shall find his fate a kin to inferno. When Abhinav arrived, the sight that greeted him sent shivers through his very being.

 Akshara unleashed her inner warrior and gave the guard a thunderous slap. Her eyes blazed with fury, but then came the headache from heck.

"How....Dare...You..Bitc...."- The sentry's words dripped with arrogance got interrupted when a cold voice danced in his ear drum.

"Stop Right there, Or I will not hesitate to chop your heads off...."-Abhimanyu's demeanor remained serene yet icy. 

With a subtle motion, he beckoned Abhinav to lead the way to the depths below, his basement. Should anyone lay a hand on his beloved, the consequences would surely be dire.

Akshara, besieged by a tempest of hazy visions, found solace in her companions, Abhimanyu and Arohi. 


Her mind

"You can't win against me Mr. Birla.."

"We are not supposed to be together"

"Don't you dare to touch me or I will chop your hands.."



Witnessing her distress, they bore a mantle of concern. Abhimanyu, with tender resolve, cradled Akshara in his arms, her silent acquiescence betraying the agony within.

 As he laid her gently upon the resting place, his skilled hands tended to her wounds with soothing balms. 

"I can do it myself... GET OUT..."

"Don't worry !! I will not rape you and feed you to my guards.."- his frost voice grew goosebumps to her body but she restrained herself. 

"I SAID GET OUT!!!..."- A flicker of resistance surfaced in Akshara's eyes at his proximity, only to be swiftly quelled as he pinned her hands to the wall, his closeness igniting an inferno of emotions. 

Locked in a gaze with his deep brown eyes, she felt a shift in their connection, yet reality's harsh light shattered the fragile moment, prompting her to push him away. 

Though she struggled within his grasp, her focus was drawn to a revelation on his wrist—a half-heart completing its arc with her own half. 


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