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Abhimanyu raced to rescue Akshara from the shadows of their shared history. Upon unlocking the door, he found her, hands shielding her ears, preventing to hear those horrible voices of gun. 

With tenderness, he enfolded her in his arms and guided her to the hidden sanctuary crafted by him and Krish for their sanctuary. 

Akshara, struck silent by the moment, sought solace in his embrace, seeking solace in his comforting presence. 

Yet, destiny's hand proved harsh in their tale. Abhimanyu steadied Akshara. 

"Go Akshara!!"- his voice quivering, her hand held by Arohi, leading her to the clandestine refuge. He smiled softly, looking her maybe the last time.

Here, a shot echoed in the hall. In a moment frozen in time, all stood petrified, disbelief etched upon their faces. 

Abhimanyu's grasp faltered, his form crumpling to the ground, a crimson tide spilling forth. 

"ABHI!!"- Krish rushed to his side, holding him close amidst a storm of emotions. 

Through tear-filled eyes, he cast a gaze of anguish towards the assailant, Mansi. 

"WHY?? CAN'T YOU SEE US HAPPY??"- A cry pierced the air as Avinash commanded his men to seek Akshara. 

As Abhimanyu surrendered to the void, a release from the cruel grip of existence.

"BHAI!! PLEASE!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE US ALONE.. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, ARU OR BHABHI.......PLEASE !!!"-  Abhinav's anguished cries echoed, pleading for life to return to his brother's now lifeless form. 

In a poignant moment, Akshara wept in the comforting arms of Arohi, their gaze fixed on the CCTV screen revealing a scene of turmoil. 

Arohi, struck silent by the unfolding tragedy, grasped the gravity of the situation: the man who had showered her with care, shielded her, and cherished her, now lay wounded. 

With each passing moment, her heart raced, her mind consumed by the sight of her sister-in-law's anguish. 

"NO!! ARU!! You have to be strong for your Bhabhi.. "- she spoke to herself and looking her Bhabhi.

While she held deep affection for her brother, she knew Akshara's love for him surpassed her own. 

Arohi understood the many facets of her brother - known as Mr. Birla to the world, as the Black Panther in shadows, as Abhimanyu within their family, yet as simply Abhi in the presence of his Akshu. Only in her sister-in-law's presence could he shed his masks and reveal his true self. 

In a realm where shadows dance with secrets, Arohi guided Akshara to the sanctuary of the couch, offering her a potion of rest. 

As the elixir slipped down Akshara's throat, a spell of drowsiness overcame her, beckoning her into the embrace of dreams. 

Arohi, the guardian of solace, cocooned her in warmth, a maternal shield against the tempests of despair. In the tapestry of their bond.

Arohi vowed to intercept every storm before it reached her beloved sister-in-law. 


"Neil..I need your help.."- But within her heart dwelt a shadow of dread.

"Don't Worry Arohi!! I am coming.. On the way.. Hmm?"- His reassurances fell upon her like gentle rain, yet she severed the connection.

 As her gaze met the watchful eyes of the CCTV, tears welled up in a torrent, mirroring Abhinav's anguished cries, pleading for his brother not to depart and abandon them to solitude. 

With a silent incantation to her loyal allies, she entrusted her fears to their watchful vigil. 

The air crackled with tension as shadows of unrest loomed, and the symphony of chaos erupted in a hail of bullets. 

Neil, the sentinel, signaled his forces to safeguard Abhimanyu, while Krish, the valiant protector, whisked Akshara away from the fray, his heart torn between duty and family. 

Amidst the turmoil, Arohi and Shreya, the sharpshooters Mk 13 Mod 0/5/7, engaged in a ballet of bullets, a deadly dance echoing the whispers of fate. 

Akshara's gaze flickered like starlight, taking in the sterile expanse of the hospital room. Beside her, Krish's touch offered solace amid tears that echoed a somber melody. 

Thoughts of Abhimanyu stirred within her, a tremor in her voice signaling her return to consciousness. Krish, with a tender gesture, sought to calm her, his own heart heavy with the weight of hidden truths.

 As he braced himself to speak, Abhinav's sudden arrival shattered the fragile peace.

"Krish Bhai!! Doctor said, If Bhaiyaa doesn't get consciousness in 24 hours, he will go into comatose state.."- Akshara's eyes widened at his words, locking in a silent exchange with Krish. With a blink, he confirmed the unsettling truth she had heard. 

Swiftly, she rose to follow Abhinav, her heart aching for her beloved Abhi's altered state. 

Nestling her head against his chest, she sought solace in the rhythm of his heartbeat, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of resurfacing memories. In the ethereal haze, her thoughts dissolved, teetering on the edge of oblivion. A deluge of bygone memories cascaded into her consciousness.


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