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Aria's Pov

I wanna go out I can't stay in I am going to be a married woman soon I need to enjoy my last days. I hit up a few friends of mine and see if they are is a party we can go to.

"Hello JAMES, you wanna go out tonight? please I am so bored" I speak on the phone as I start to pick out a dress.

Something slutty? yes def, something black sparkly YES I found the perfect outfit for the night. I do my makeup.

My makeup is glittery and fun, omg makeup is so fun. I quickly send a text to Isha asking her if she would like to come but she refuses since she has homework. I roll my eyes I already know she is fucking her ex again-

I get out meet Enzo who rubs a hand over his face upon seeing my outfit, he knows I am going to go wild. I sit in the car and we go the club, one of james friend who is turning 21 is throwing a party and did I mention he is like crazy rich too? The party is going to be lit asf.

We reach there soon and I see James with his friends waiting for me, I hug him and we go inside. "James oh god we haven't talked in a while" I say over the loud music, "I know you have been too busy getting engaged" He says as he hand me some whiskey

I roll my eyes, "Tell me about it" I mumble as I quickly gulp down the drink. "So tell me about the guy, is he hot?" He says

"He is but tonight we are not talking about it I am here to have some fun" I say and James smirks, James and I go way back he is my partner in crime all the parties where the cops have been called yeah James was there with me.

Soon more people come over to me, I am pretty good with people and you can call me popular too. We all drink shots after shots, soon the party starts and I go the dance floor dancing to the music.

I dance with James,nothing flirty as much as I would not like to admit this I am engaged and I would like to respect that.

"Come on let meet the birthday boy" James say as he help me make move through the dance crowd.

James holds me by my waist so that I don't stumble because I am wasted, I take another drin from the waiter as James guide me to meet Mateo.

I know Mateo we have been at a few parties together, he is a good guy although I don't him very well.

"This is so fun" I yell over the music, James just laugh it off. "Did you find a girl? omg and where is the  birthday boy bruh why do I have to walk so much my feet hurts" I say 

"Nah no one quite got my attention and Mateo is sitting with his other friends right now so he is at the first floor" I nod, we soon reach the first floor.

"Here he is" James say and we see Mateo coming towards us, I throw my hands around him saying a happy birthday, "Birthday boy great fucking party" I say, "Thank you Aria, god I have the party queen at my birthday? when did I get so lucky?" I laugh

I look behind him and I see bunch of guys in suits and there it is sitting Nikolai glaring at me, wtf what?

I almost loose my balance seeing Niko what is he doing here? Thankfully James catches me. I whisper to James "Wtf is he doing here?" I ask

"Hi Aria" Nikolai walks up to us and he is staring at my waist where James is holding me upright, "Hi Nikolai" I say

"How do you two know each other?" James asks, and I just show him my ring. "Oh my god? you were talking about her Niko" Mateo says completely shocked

"Good to see you Niko, let's go back James and Mateo promise to meet me after you are done?" I say and I try to turn around when Nikolai takes my hand

"Wait, James would you mind if I borrow my fiance?" He says his eyes not leaving mine, "No, I will meet you downstairs Aria" James makes sure Nikolai has a tight grip on me so that I don't fall

God why do I have to loose my ability to walk when I am drunk, have to work on my drinking game.

"Come with me" Nikolai takes me to one of the hallways and then to a room, "What are you doing let me go back to my party" I whine as I try to get out of his hold

"You are not going back to the party" He says as he locks the door behind us, "Oh I am" I say as I glare at him.

"What the fuck are you doing with James?" He asks, oh no he is not doing this jealousy act with me when he hasn't even given me a text after the engagement.

I do admit it did hurt a little but I am over it. "He is my friend, I am at this party with him" I say to him, he looks so fresh unlike me who is almost blackout drunk

Nikolai help me sit down on the bed, "What friend? He was not at the engagement if I remember" He asks

"God Niko I have so many friends I couldn't have invited everyone even if I wanted to and James couldn't come to the engagement as he was out and it was so last minute so he was making up to me now" I lie 

"Is he making up to you now?" He asks as he hands me a bottle of water, I refuse. "Yes now I have  to go back to the party" I try to stand up but Nikolai pushes me back down by my shoulders

"As I said you are not going back to the party" He says as he folds his arms in front of his chest, god he looks so hot right now.

"What is your problem?" I ask irritated, "My problem is I don't like another guy's hand on my fucking fiance" He snaps at me, Oh no he doesn't get to snap at me.

"You don't? well too bad should have thought before you didn't call, didn't send me a text oh and it could have been your hands on me if you would have invited me to the party but you didn't and James did so fuck off" I say and leave the room before he could.

I see Mateo and other guys still sitting, I say goodbye to him and then to James before I leave with Enzo.

I just wanted fun fucking night out I can't even have that now.

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