chp 4 problem ?

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" Ma'am , check the news "

and I love problems

" Hang on " I instructed him

I turned on the television and the news channel yelled at me

' The Singhania's only heir Abhilash has the record of being the most handsome and eligible bachelor for many consecutive years. Not long ago, Mrs. Singhania has posted on her X stating that her daughter in law loves to play hide and seek. This particular tweet is regulating speculations of Mr. Abhilash getting married soon. The Business field has many young men but not anyone like Mr. Abhilash. So, does this really mean that the rich CEO to CODE-RED company is getting married? If so then who is the bride? When is the ... '

and they went on and on

"How in the world is this related to us ?" I ask him sternly

" Ma'am the critics in the world are talking about who might be the bride worthy enough to get married to Mr. Abhilash. And everyone people believe its you who might have the qualities of being the Singhania's daughter in law. We need to clear the air before it becomes poisonous." He explained

"How about we just release a statement about the news"

" Ma'am please don't mind that I am saying this but its better if we first have a conversation with the Singhania's cause its better to solve the problem at its root also as convincing everyone is not easy if we say something , but if Singhania family clears the misunderstanding it would be slightly more convincing " He suggested

" I am going to CODE-RED office to meet Mr. Abhilash " I said as I hung up

this is definitely a issue. I am not well acquainted with their family and the only bridge between the Singhania and Yadav is Gautam

" What happened Dharmika? Any thing big this time " Gautam asked

" Remove your head from your phone and look at the goddamn news " I snapped at him

He turned his head toward the television and as he understood every word his pupils dilated and his face became red

" How about I talk to him ? " he said turning his attention to me

" No need sir your friend has done enough shit and I need to clear this face to face " I snapped the second time

" Just do not take it extreme. I know you better than anyone , so chill and be cool and if anything goes wrong. I am just a phone call away " he said in a big brother mode

A scoff left my mouth

" fine I'll try not to be hard " I said rolling my eyes

I take my keys and within 30 minutes i was outside of a tall glass building. I walk inside and see the staff in their usual business. I stroll toward the reception.

" Where is Mr. Abhilash ?" I said in calm yet threatening voice

" G..Good evening Ms. Y..Yadav. Umm.. Sir has left the office at n..noon to his home " She stuttered

" Address? " I asked, my voice becoming more threatening each passing second

She quickly wrote an address on paper and handed it over to me

I got back into my car. A whole thirty minutes were wasted for nothing. It took me another 20 minutes to battle the road and reach his home. The front gate opens as i get near it. I immediately feel the security cameras scanning me and my car. I park my car and stride inside the huge mansion only to find a mother and son staring each other angrily as the television was blabbering about the news of his marriage.

" Good evening." I stay in an angry manner leaning on to the wall with my hands folded.

" Good evening sweetheart " the woman greets me cheerfully much contrast to the atmosphere that was blanketed around us

I look at Abhilash for a split second and pass of a blank smile to the Mrs. Singhania and greeted her back.

" Have a seat " she said

Unable to refuse her at that second I slowly walked and took a seat opposite to the family

" You must be Dharmika Yadav sister of Gautam right.. " she asked sweetly

I nodded

" I am pretty much sure you both know the news about the circulations between you , Mr. Abhilash , and me. I would like you to clear it soon and ..."

" I have no intentions of marrying you Dharmika so do not worry about the news " He butts in

This guy has the audacity to ...

"Firstly he is no mister for you. You can call him by name and also call me aunt. Second , we do know the news and the media adding you into the issue too. We will take necessary actions" Mrs. Singhania said calmly

Well i wanted to argue but this by far went smooth

" Anything to say dear ? "

" Nothing Mrs... Aunt . I was expecting an argument but this was calm " I blurted

She smiled

" Please stay for the dinner dear ? " she added

" Uhmmm.. I am sorry aunt i have to go back home " I gave an excuse even though my initial plan after going out from there was to get drunk

" Your brother doesn't have time nor do you. fine now you all are adults. Why will come to me " She said in a crying and disappointed voice

oh god save me

" Fine aunt " I say before texting my brother about the dinner plan

And within the next hour , I find myself seated in chair with delicacies specially cooked by aunt for me. I was enjoying my food as well as the jealousy of Abhilash, who was banned from touching them because of a previous argument of theirs.

I got back late at night and hoped that this mess gets cleared as quick as possible becuase i can not possibly deal with 'I-am-the-handsome-guy' anymore than one day.

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