chp 9 Unmelted hearts

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" Gautam. I want to talk to you "
He didn't answer

" Gautam, I am talking to you "
" I am not interested to talk to you Abhilash "

My heart broke into a million pieces. Since my childhood he called me Abhi.
I deserve this.

" Gautam listen. You need to know this "

" I don't want to or need to listen to you "

I stood before Gautam, my heart heavy with remorse as I faced the repercussions of my actions. The weight of guilt pressed down on me, making it difficult to find the right words to express the depth of my regret.

" Gautam, I know my words may not be enough to undo the pain I've caused you, but please, hear me out. I need you to know just how sorry I am for what I've done."  I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You've said enough, Abhilash. Your words mean nothing now. You made a choice, and you have to live with it."

My heart sank at Gautam's harsh words, but I knows I deserves every bit of it. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking again.]

" I understand why you're angry, Gautam. I betrayed your trust, and I hurt both you and Dharmika in the process. I can't even begin to imagine the pain I've caused you both, but I want you to know that I'm truly, deeply sorry."

Gautam's gaze softened slightly, but his expression remains guarded.

" Sorry doesn't change anything, Abhilash. You've shattered the foundation of our friendship. How can I ever trust you again? "

" I don't expect you to trust me again, Gautam. I know I've lost that privilege. But I'm here because I want to try to make things right, to earn back even a fraction of the trust I've lost."

There was a heavy silence between us as . Finally, he lets out a sigh, his expression softening slightly.

" I don't know if that's even possible, Abhilash. You've changed everything between us. How can things ever go back to the way they were? "

I looked up, my eyes pleading for forgiveness, though I know I may never receive it.]

"Maybe they can't, Gautam. Maybe I've destroyed what we had beyond repair. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to try. I'll work tirelessly to make amends, to show you that I'm truly sorry for what I've done." 

Unbothered by my pleas both Gautam and Dharmika left the room 

"Abhilash, may I have a word with you?" Likitha's voice carried a gentle yet firm tone, inviting me to engage in a conversation that I knew would be both difficult and necessary.

"Of course, Likitha," I replied, trying to conceal the turmoil churning within me

"I understand that you're deeply remorseful for what transpired between you and Gautam," Likitha began, her words tinged with empathy. "But I want you to realize that seeking forgiveness isn't just about convincing Gautam. Dharmika's forgiveness holds equal significance in this situation."

Her words struck a chord within me, resonating with the realization that my path to redemption was far more complex than I had initially comprehended. "You're right, Likitha," I admitted, my voice laced with regret. "Dharmika's feelings are just as important, if not more, in this process of seeking forgiveness."

With a knowing nod, Likitha continued, "Gautam's forgiveness may be contingent upon Dharmika's acceptance of your remorse and commitment to making amends. It's crucial for you to demonstrate genuine remorse and dedication to repairing the damage you've caused, not just to Gautam but to both of them."

 "I understand, Likitha," I affirmed, a newfound determination flickering within me. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right, to earn back their trust and forgiveness."

"Abhilash, let me tell you about Gautam and Dharmika," Likitha began, her eyes softening with warmth as she spoke of the siblings. "Their relationship is truly something special, something that transcends the ordinary bonds of siblings."

As Likitha painted a vivid picture of Gautam and Dharmika's relationship, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with admiration for the deep connection they shared.

"Gautam and Dharmika have always been inseparable," Likitha continued, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "From childhood, they've been each other's pillars of support, their unwavering loyalty and love forming the foundation of their bond."

As Likitha recounted tales of Gautam and Dharmika's childhood adventures and shared memories, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the kind of relationship they had. Theirs was a bond forged in the fires of shared experiences, trials, and triumphs, a bond that seemed unbreakable in the face of any adversity.

"They've been through thick and thin together," Likitha explained, her voice tinged with reverence. "And no matter what challenges life throws their way, they always stand by each other, unwavering in their loyalty and devotion."

She recounted a particular incident from their childhood when Gautam stood up for Dharmika against a group of bullies, risking his own safety to protect his younger sister. "Gautam was always fiercely protective of Dharmika," Likitha explained, "and that incident was just one of many instances where he showed his unwavering loyalty and love for her."

Likitha also shared stories of the countless adventures Gautam and Dharmika embarked on together, their laughter echoing through the halls of their childhood home. "They were always getting into mischief together," she chuckled, "but no matter how much trouble they found themselves in, they always had each other to lean on."

But it wasn't just in moments of joy and laughter that their bond shone brightly. Likitha recounted a time when Dharmika fell ill, and Gautam stayed by her side throughout her recovery, offering unwavering support and comfort. "It was during those difficult times that their bond truly revealed its strength," Likitha remarked, her voice filled with admiration.

As I listened to Likitha's heartfelt anecdotes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the depth of Gautam and Dharmika's relationship. Their bond was forged in the fires of shared experiences, trials, and triumphs, and it was clear that nothing could ever break the unbreakable bond they shared as siblings.

After a while the siblings came out from their room

As I tried to talk to Dharmika, her silence weighed heavily on my heart. Each attempt to reach out was met with a chilling indifference, leaving me feeling utterly helpless and lost.

"Dharmika, please," I pleaded, my voice quivering with emotion. "I know I've hurt you deeply, but I'm trying to make things right. Can't we at least talk about it?"

But she remained silent, her gaze fixed on some distant point as if unwilling to acknowledge my presence. Her refusal to engage in conversation felt like a dagger to my heart, filling me with a sense of despair.

 "Dharmika, I can't bear this silence between us," I implored. "Please, let's talk about what happened. I want to understand how you're feeling and what I can do to make things right."

Still, she offered no response, her silence speaking volumes. It was as if she had built a fortress around herself, shutting me out completely.

With a heavy sigh, I withdrew my hand and took a step back, feeling defeated and alone. The weight of her rejection bore down on me like a heavy burden, threatening to crush me beneath its weight.

Gautam came between us and took her with him to their car 

But despite the overwhelming sense of despair, a flicker of determination burned within me. I refused to give up hope that one day, we could find a way to bridge the divide between us and rebuild what we had lost.

As I watched them walk away, I made a silent vow to myself. I would continue to try, no matter how many times I was met with silence or indifference. I would do whatever it took to earn back her trust and rebuild our relationship, one step at a time.

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