Chp - 13 Mr. Bunty

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AUTHOR'S POV ( for a change )

"Abhilash," she began, her tone carrying a familiar edge of determination. "We need to talk "

Abhilash looked up from his tablet, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Ah What?"

" A dog "

'I hate dogs.
I prefer cats
.' He thought

" We agreed on no pets "

" Yeahhhh...In your dreams right " She said smiling

Dharmika sighed , crossing her arms. "We did. But I've been thinking about it, and I am adopting this one."

"You are ," Abhilash repeated, setting his tablet aside. "And by 'are,' you mean you've already asked my mom for permission, haven't you?"

Dharmika raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and defiance. "Well, she did say it would be good for me to have a companion."

"Companionship? From a dog?" Abhilash scoffed, though he couldn't hide his smile. "You have me, don't you?"

Dharmika shook her head, walking over to sit beside him. "Let me rephrase. Companionship and protection "

" From ?"

" You "

'What the hell did I do now' He thought

"But a dog, Dharmika? They're a lot of work."

"They're also a lot of joy," she countered. "And it's not like I don't have the resources. I can hire a trainer, a walker, everything I need."

Abhilash leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with mock seriousness. "Are you sure this isn't just a ploy to get me irritated?"

"Would that be such a bad thing?" Dharmika teased.

Abhilash sighed, the playful glint in his eyes softening. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

"I am," Dharmika said, her tone earnest. "And I've already spoken to the shelter. They have a retriever ."

"A retriever?" Abhilash repeated, trying to sound skeptical but failing to hide his curiosity. "Aren't they big and clumsy?"

"They're also loyal and loving," Dharmika said, her smile widening. "And he's already house-trained."

Abhilash groaned playfully. "You've thought of everything, haven't you?"

"Of course," Dharmika said, her eyes twinkling. "And your mom is on board. She even suggested we name him Bunty."

"Bunty ?" He half yelled.

" What's wrong with that name. Its quite homely and cute "

"Fine," he relented, unable to resist her persuasive charm.

"Come on, Abhilash, I am not asking you. I am informing you."

"But if he chews up my favorite shoes, he's your responsibility."

Dharmika laughed,. "Fair enough. But I have a feeling you're going to love him."

"We'll see about that," Abhilash said, though he couldn't hide the warmth in his voice. "When is Mr.Bunty coming home ?"

"Tomorrow," Dharmika said, smiling brightly. "I've already arranged everything."

"Of course you have," Abhilash said with a chuckle. " He is not my responsibility again "

"I would not even entrust you with his walks , barks , plays , poops and pees," Dharmika teased.

"Alright, alright," Abhilash conceded, shaking his head in mock defeat. "Welcome to the family, Bunty." He said faking his happiness 

"Great," Abhilash muttered, grabbing his tablet again. "Just great."

" And by the way. Go check your suit in the laundry "

ABHILASH POV ( cuz why not. )

I left my tablet on the table and ran upstairs

I shuffled all the suits in the laundry and my favourite white suit now has a big poop puking emoji painted on it 

I shuffled all the suits in the laundry and my favourite white suit now has a big poop puking emoji painted on it 

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Next day 

I stumbled through the front door, feeling like I'd just survived a marathon in a suit and tie. All I wanted was some peace, quiet, and maybe a cold drink that wasn't watered down with office gossip. But as soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted not by the blissful sound of silence, but by a furry whirlwind of chaos in the hallway.

 But as soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted not by the blissful sound of silence, but by a furry whirlwind of chaos in the hallway

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I blinked, my brain struggling to process the sight before me. There, sitting in all its waggy-tailed glory, was a dog, that had clearly missed the memo about my strict "No Dogs Allowed" policy.

I stared at it, feeling like I'd walked into a sitcom where I was the punchline. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A furry surprise party?"

The dog, undeterred by my sarcasm, looked up at me with big, hopeful eyes, its tongue hanging out.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to muster up some semblance of authority. " who let the dog the in hall?"


I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that I was now the unwilling star of my own canine comedy show. "Great. Just what I needed—a furry roommate who thinks he's the lead actor in 'The Bark Knight Rises.'"

With a shake of my head, I scooped up the dog, feeling its tail wagging against my leg. "Alright, buddy......I mean Bunty. You are not allowed to poop on the carpet run into my room and study or the kitchen and definitely no chewing the couch more importantly my shoes" I said as if I was discipling a kid.

 I dropped the dog on the dog pit someone has arranged for the new attention seeker of the house

But as I settled onto the couch, the dog curling up at my feet with a contented sigh.

" wait how did you come here before me . I just dropped you there"

It stayed silent and then barked cheerfully

I gently patted its head and god wasn't it soft and fluffy.

"Alright, bunty," I said, giving the dog a playful scratch behind the ears as it let out a happy yip. "Let's see if we can survive this sitcom without getting canceled."

And with that, I leaned back, ready to embrace the chaos of the newfound furry creature and whatever laugh-out-loud shenanigans awaited us in this life.


do tell me how is it



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