Chapter 10: Monsters

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It's midday, and we find ourselves at the deserted Luther family house. The latest news report flashes on the screen, highlighting the mysterious disappearance of the entire Luther family, amidst suspicions of their involvement in the tragic death of 15-year-old Kroos.

"Good day, you're tuned in to News45. We're currently investigating the now-abandoned Luther residence, where the family vanished without a trace. Mr. Luther, the prime suspect in the recent homicide, reportedly fled the scene hours before authorities arrived. Additionally, his daughter, Caith, is also missing, believed to have fled into the woods with her brother, Markov, before law enforcement's arrival.

The incident unfolded earlier in the day when a teacher stumbled upon a lifeless body on the school grounds, triggering a swift response from Officer Oswald, who swiftly identified the suspect amidst the chaos.

We now turn to Officer Oswald, who may shed light on new developments in these.

Thanks for letting me elaborate. This is Officer Oswald speaking, and I have some crucial updates on the case. While searching Luther's desk, we uncovered compelling evidence indicating premeditation. But that was just scratching the surface. Further investigation revealed that Luther was, in fact, an American operative. His motive for the boy's murder stemmed from familial conflicts, strategically engineered to disrupt a network of companies. Now, let's delve into how this scheme operated. The boy's father was involved in illicit arms trafficking from Russia, regardless of ethical concerns. What's imperative to grasp here is Luther's heinous act of taking a young life.

But this is just one instance among countless others. He's been linked to approximately 200 deaths, all serving a common agenda. His actions have significantly impacted the German market exchange. While some may argue it's a personal vendetta, we mustn't ignore the chain of businesses benefiting from these incidents. Dubbed by some as a ruthless killer and by others as a propagandist, it's evident he operates with a clear motive. Our search for him continues, with only hope guiding our efforts for now. I have a simple message to those American spies: 'Stay the hell out of my country.'"

Officer Oswald steps away from the scene, finding solace under the shade of a nearby tree. As he observes the aftermath from a distance, he retrieves a cigar, the smoke swirling around him in the gentle breeze. With a thoughtful expression, he reaches for his phone.

The phone connects. An old grunty voice can be heard from the call. 

 "Did you find Markov?" The old voice echoed 

"Nope, we are still looking for him. What about the FBI?" Officer Oswald responds

"One push and it's over. I've found their operator. He goes by the name Homer." the voice asserts.

"Good. With this, the Americans will be compelled to leave the country. We'll have Millize's Son soon. " 

"Don't get so excited. Find Luther first, we can catch Markov later." 

"Alright. wait, I have a question" Officer Oswald asks.

"Go on." 

"Were you the one to kill Kroos?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"The boy, did you kill him? We could have fabricated the situation either way. Luther was just under our radar." 

"Wait. Wait. What do you mean? I never killed anyone named Kroos. What are you on?" 

"What the hell, man? We know Luther wasn't on the scene. So who killed the boy?"

The scene shifts to the Kroos household, a sprawling mansion where grief hangs heavy in the air. The parents, adorned in opulence, mourn the loss of their beloved child. Inside, Mrs. Kroos remains secluded in her room, consumed by anguish. Outside her door, Jerome, the younger brother, tentatively offers solace, urging his mother to eat. Yet, met with silence, he retreats with a heavy heart.  "Why isn't Father here, at such a crucial time? That man....." He uttered to himself as he tightened his fragile fists with rage.

Jerome makes his way to the mansion's main gate, where a throng of news reporters clamors for information, their access blocked by the steadfast guard. Amidst the din, a single word catches Jerome's attention: "Suicide?" His mind reels at the suggestion. Turning away from the prying eyes of the public, he dismisses the notion, convinced that his elder brother could never have taken his own life.

Jerome wanders around the serene pond, grappling with a deluge of questions swirling in his mind. "What motive could drive someone to take the life of a student randomly?" he ponders aloud. "Why are they preventing Mother from bidding farewell to her own son?" His thoughts turn to his father's whereabouts, questioning, "Where could Father possibly be at this moment?" He's perplexed by the police's tight-lipped approach, wondering, "Why are they withholding information from us?"

Time swiftly transitions into the night, where a meeting unfolds atop a towering skyscraper. "My condolences for your loss," offers one member, steering the discussion in a different direction. Mr. Kroos, seated among the attendees, curtly responds, "Business takes precedence over personal matters, Ms. Karina." Another member probes further, "And what of the accusations? Allegations circulate that you're colluding with the Russians." Mr. Kroos retorts confidently, "They lack the authority to apprehend or interrogate me." With that assertion, dissenting voices fall silent, stifled by the weight of his words.

The scene shifts to a hospital mortuary, where an empty morgue holds only a tag named "Johann Kroos." With the body missing, questions arise: Where lies Johann Kroos? Is he still among the living, or has his form been spirited away? The intrigue deepens as the mystery of his whereabouts intensifies.

If neither the old man nor Mr. Luther were responsible for the boy's demise, then who could have orchestrated such a sinister act? Perhaps Johann Kroos himself harbored secrets or had designs of his own. Who is this enigmatic figure, and what role does he play in the unfolding saga? The mystery surrounding Johann Kroos deepens as questions about his identity and motives come to light

The meeting concludes, and the office empties out, leaving Mr. Kroos alone. As he heads towards the main lobby, he encounters the janitor. 

"What brings you here at this hour?" Mr. Kroos inquires. 

The janitor's response carries a cryptic weight, "Have you heard of monsters? They lurk everywhere, hidden in plain sight. Perhaps that's why God has forsaken us.

Perplexed, Mr. Kroos asks for clarification just as the lights begin to flicker ominously. 

"God has forsaken you, Mr. Kroos. Consider this your deliverance," the janitor declares, brandishing a knife.

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