Chapter 14: Hot Spring/Devised

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[Narration: Markov]

"You'll soon realize you were wrong all along," the voice spoke to me.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"There's no such thing as perfection. It doesn't exist," replied the voice, my little brother, Markos.

"But Father..." I began.

"What did Father tell us? That we waste our lives chasing something unattainable?" Markos interjected.

I fell silent.

"Big Brother, you must let go of the past," Markos urged.

"I can't. You're proof of that. Why are you here, in my subconscious?" I questioned.

"Because you imagine me as real. But the truth is... I was killed five years ago," Markos confessed.

"Living in a delusion is easier than facing reality, isn't it?" I mused.

"Wake up, wake up," a girlish voice roused me from my thoughts.

I glanced around, catching sight of Markov. "I'll be back. Wait for me," I assured him.

"Never look back," Markos murmured before his voice faded away.

As I woke up, I found Caith beside me.....

[End of Narration]

"Where are we?" Markov inquired.

"That's what you were gonna say to me, idiot," Caith retorted.

Taking in their surroundings, Markov realized they were in a car. Agent Emma was behind the wheel.

"Oh, yeah, right. Where was I?" Markov pondered.

"You were saying how Agent Emma made a deal with you," Caith reminded him.

"Okay, I'll tell you. Listen up."

[Narration: Markov]

"That day, I left the hotel before you even noticed. While you were still in the room, I was on my laptop, digging into the details of the American agents here. Emma's name popped up on the list. I wasted no time and reached out to her. We struck a deal. I promised her the document in exchange for my freedom. And yes, I've already sent it over. Emma's not exactly a double agent. She's playing a different game, one with higher stakes. She hasn't betrayed Homer or any other agents... yet."

"That's right," Emma replied from the driver's seat.

Caith, still trying to grasp the situation, shifted the topic. "You stink. When was the last time you took a shower?"

Markov retorted just as quickly, "Could say the same to you."

Emma chimed in from the driver's seat, "Both of you stink."

"I have an idea. Let's go to a hot spring. I've heard about them here in Munich," Markov suggests.

"Oh, sure. Let's go," Caith agrees.

"What about you, agent?" Markov asks Emma.

"Oh me? I'll keep you both supervised, and I'll be on duty," Emma rejects the offer.

"Be sure to pay for us. Haha," Markov jokes.

[Hot spring, Munich]

Markov and Caith are separated once again by a barrier. This time, this barrier is wooden.

"So, the women's section is there?" Markov mutters to himself. The place is almost empty, save for another person nearby.

"Old man, do you come here often?" Markov asks the man.

"Hey boy, I am not that old, am I? I mean sure, I do love coming here every now and then," the man replies.

"Aren't you the former MDR's (Main Directorate for Reconnaissance) Leader? Richard Jens?" Markov acts surprised.

"Former. But I am honored, kid. Nowadays, even adults can't seem to recognize me, haha," Richard says.

"Do you recognize me, sir?" Markov inquires.

"You? Who are you?" Richard asks.

"Take a guess. Might as well take a wild guess," Markov challenges.

"Hmmm. Robert? Volkslova's son?" Richard guesses.

"Nope. Are you referring to that of BRAIN? (A German organization)" Markov replies.

"You sure know a lot. Please tell me your name, boy," Richard insists.

"My name- My name is.........Johan Kroos," Markov lies.

Richard springs out of the pool, startled. "K-K-Kroos? What brings you here?"

"Shush, old man. Keep it down. Get back in the water," Markov urges.

Richard hesitates before submerging himself again.

"What's on your mind now?" Richard inquires.

Markov, knowing Richard's history but never having met him face to face, continues their conversation. "I've settled the score with my father. Now, onto the next challenge. Any guesses?"

Richard frowns. "You mean that Russian rat, Markov? He got nabbed by the FBI yesterday, didn't he?"

"What if he slips through their fingers?" Markov questions.

"I'll dispatch my best operative to handle it. We can't risk letting that document fall into enemy hands; it holds humanity's darkest secrets," Richard explains.

Markov, testing Richard's memory of their supposed deal, asks, "Remind me, what was our arrangement again? My memory's a bit foggy."

"We want the document. You can keep the boy. It's as simple as that," Richard clarifies.

Markov smirks. "What if I told you I'm holding the document right now?"

Richard's eyes widen with surprise, then narrow suspiciously. "Don't play games with me, Kroos. If you have it, why would you risk bringing it here?"

Markov smirks. "Because I wanted to see your reaction. But the document is safe. For now."

Richard's expression remains guarded. "If you're telling the truth, then you've made a grave mistake by revealing it to me. If not, then you're just another pawn in this game."

Markov's smirk widens. "Believe what you want, old man. But remember, I'm not the only player in this game." With that, he gets up from the pool. leaving Richard to ponder his words.

It all circles back to the moment Markov entered Kroos's room. Discovering Kroos alive and engaged in political machinations in Germany, Markov unearthed a pivotal document tucked beneath the bedsheet, detailing the upcoming meeting with Richard, his supposed ally. Armed with this knowledge, Markov chose to adopt a false identity, attending the crucial meeting himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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