Chapter 12: Failed Plan

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"I am your brother's friend " - As the person rose from their seat, it became clear—it was Markov himself.

"How'd you get in?" Jerome asked, puzzled by Markov's sudden appearance. 

Markov pointed at the guard and explained, "Your guard has seen me hanging out with your brother quite a few times. I'm here to visit your aunt, your mom." 

Jerome nodded, still surprised, and led Markov inside the mansion.

Markov didn't arrive without a plan. His ultimate goal was clear......

"Where's your brother's room?" asked Markov.

"Sure, let me guide you," Jerome replied, leading Markov through the vast mansion.

As Markov walked through the corridor, he heard noises from the next room.

"Wait, Jerome. Is this your mother's room?" he asked.

"Yeah, she locked herself in after the incident. She-"

Knock Knock

"What are you doing? Stop," Jerome protested.

"Why? I'll talk to her. Mrs. Kroos, please open the door."

But there was no reply.

"It's useless, let's go," Jerome insisted.

But Markov persisted, shouting, "Your son had told me to tell you this before dying."

Jerome stood quiet, fully engaged, waiting to hear what Markov would say next.

Surprisingly, the door opened. It was indeed Jerome's mother, Mrs. Kroos. She looked drained of emotion.

"Morning, Ma'am. I am your son's friend," Markov greeted.

"What's your name, boy?" Mrs. Kroos inquired.

"My name is Alfred Friedrich," Markov lied, using a name he had seen before in the locker room of the students.

"Alfred? Please have a seat. Let me get fresh," Mrs. Kroos invited.

Markov continued his trail with Jerome. At that moment, Jerome asked about Kroos's Will.

Markov locked eyes with Jerome and said, "I lied. I just wanted your mom to leave her room. Eventually, she had to let go of the past."

Jerome, confused, asked, "Is it that easy? Letting go of the past? I am never seeing my brother ever again."

"Don't be sad. Crying won't bring him back either way. So, save your energy for the future," Markov advised.

Markov finally enters Kroos's room, looking around carefully.

[Location: FBI Safe House, Munich]

Meanwhile, Caith had fallen asleep on the sofa in the interrogation room. "Father is innocent," she muttered in her sleep, her expression troubled.




Caith stirred awake, disoriented. "Where am I?" she wondered, rubbing her eyes. "FBI office? Oh right, I have to go back to the hotel," she remembered, getting up from the sofa.

To her surprise, the office was eerily silent. "Hello? Can I go now?" Caith called out, but there was no response. Irritated, she stepped outside of the interrogation room, searching for someone to assist her.

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