Chapter 11: Revelation

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[Location: FBI Safe House, Munich]

A day has elapsed since Caith was brought into custody by Homer. She sits in the interrogation room facing Agent Wayne, who questions her.

"How long have you known Markov?" Wayne inquires.

"I only met him 3 days ago," Caith responds.

"Why are you with him? Did he coerce you?" Wayne presses. 

"No, it's more like circumstances pushed me. You people implicated my father and now expect me to—" Caith's words are cut short as Homer enters the room. 

Homer places his hand on Wayne's shoulder, signaling to take charge. 

"Let me handle this, buddy," Homer interjects. 

"Fine, she's all yours," Wayne replies, visibly annoyed, as he vacates the chair.

Caith turns her head away in frustration. Homer, sensing her anger, tries to reason with her, saying, "Hey, it's not personal. I'm just doing my job here. We need Markov no matter what, okay?" 

"Why him? What has he done? Why is everyone so fixated on him?" Caith retorts. 

"Will you cooperate if I provide some information about him?" Homer attempts to negotiate.

 Caith swiftly turns back, intrigued. "Information about Markov? Alright, tell me."

"Markov, Millize's eldest son, currently possesses one of the most influential artifacts—an important document, to be precise. It was entrusted to him by his father for safekeeping. Our main objective is to obtain this document. Now, you might be wondering, what's so significant about it?" (Homer leans in closer to Caith's ear) "This document alone holds the potential to overthrow the Russian government." (Homer returns to his original position) "Essentially, Markov's father was involved in some form of revolutionary movement for the country. My assumption is that this is why he was silenced—meaning killed. A man named Slavoj Moldova suppressed the revolution by eliminating Millize. However, Markov now holds the power to reignite it. This poses a threat to us Americans as well. That's why we've invested in this case, Miss Caith."

caith questions, "What about his brother? Is he alive?" 

"Unfortunately, no. The whole family was murdered 5 years ago with Markov being the sole survivor. " 

"Wait, how come the killer didn't find the document? Did Markov run away with it?" 

"Assuming he had no time to think but to make a jump for escape, I don't think he had that document. But he surely knows where the document is. " 

"But that's an assumption, right? What if there is no document?" 

"Well, Miss Clever. I have shared enough information. Now it's your turn." Just at the crucial time, Agent Wayne came in. 

"Miss Caith, I understand your concerns," Wayne interjects as he steps into the room. 

"But I'm afraid we'll need to continue this discussion later. Mr. Homer, we have urgent matters to discuss regarding the investigation." Homer nods, acknowledging the interruption. 

"Alright, Miss Caith. We'll talk more about this later. Don't go anywhere," he says with a hint of warning in his tone before following Agent Wayne out of the room.

"What is it, Wayne?" 

"The AG called the office. They didn't like your way of bringing a young girl for this case." 

"Who complained to them?" 

"Your Fiance, Emma did." 

Emma walks in, and speaks, 

"Well, I didn't. I just reported our mission that's all." Emma clarified

"What now? What did the AG say" Homer asked 

"We are to leave the girl at once. That's all, we will supervise her for the next 48 hours."

 Homer angrily, turns his back, and looks at Caith through the window of the interrogation room, "Shi- Those big fat bastards think they can do anything they want." 

Wayne suggests, "Hey, let's just focus on finding Markov now. Leave the girl." Emma agrees with the statement as she nods her head.

Homer grunts in frustration. "Fine. Let's focus on finding Markov. But keep an eye on the girl, just in case." He turns to Caith through the window, his expression unreadable. "You better stay out of trouble, Miss Caith," he mutters under his breath before leaving the room with Wayne and Emma.

As Emma starts the car, Wayne requests, "Can you turn on the radio, please?" Homer obliges, reaching for the dial and tuning in to the local station. The car fills with the sound of the news bulletin.

"It's quite a tragedy that now both the son and the father have been murdered. Mr Kroos was found dead this morning. Forensics confirm the incident took place last night. The police are still looking for the suspect, Luther, who had a hand in the murder of Johann Kroos. Suspected to be an American spy, Luther-" Homer abruptly shuts off the radio, visibly frustrated. 

"This is propaganda. We're better off without them. Let's just focus on our task and get the hell out of this country as soon as possible," he asserts, his tone tinged with annoyance. The others in the car nod in agreement, understanding the urgency of their mission.

[Location: Murder Scene, Lobby]

Officer Oswald stands at the murder scene, surrounded by a crowd of reporters held back by police. 

"If Neuer didn't do it, then who did?" he muses aloud, deep in thought. "And what's more concerning is that Johann Kroos's body was missing from the mortuary." Interrupted by another officer, Oswald listens as they report, 

"Sir, we've found no trace. No DNA, no evidence of any kind." Oswald furrows his brow, pondering the mystery further.

[Location: Kroos household, Garden] 

Jerome, Johann's young brother, wandered through the garden, surprised to see someone seated at the tea table, enjoying a cup of tea. Curious, as no one else was expected to be there, Jerome approached cautiously. As he walked closer, he could hear the person talking to himself.

"The tea here is nice. Is this from your garden?" the figure asked without turning around. 

"Yes, w-who are you?" Jerome stammered, unsure of who he was addressing. 

"I am your brother's friend " - As the person rose from their seat, it became clear—it was Markov himself.

From Author: Ayo what is ma boy Markov doing here? What is Blud tryna cook frfr

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