there is something

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Baili shook himself as if an icy wind was brushing against his skin. Glad to finally escape from this situation, he followed the servants to their dormitories.

"Wait!" The Grandpriest stood up and went to the work groups.

"You. Yes, you, stand aside. Your name?"

"Baili Hongyi."

"Come here, Baili Hongyi, and show me your hands."

"Hm. You don't look like someone who works a lot with his hands."

"High Priest of Grand Perception, I am skilled in the ways of cookery."

"Your hands tell me that you don't work with knives very much or are overly talented with them. Not a scar adorns your hands."

"I taste, evaluate and improve the dishes and the cuisines."

"Then it would make sense for you to work in the kitchen. Since you must have a very skilled palate, you should prepare the food for the priests."

"I think others here are far more suitable and qualified to deal with the priests and the high priest and his... needs."

Shi Ying smiled a lot today, and only because of a rude and really cheeky Baili Hongyi.

"So it's settled then."

Shi Ying was a little offended after all when Baili's shoulders slumped and relief could be seen on his face.

"So you'll only cook for the high priest and me."

Baili opened his mouth but Shi Ying shook his head slightly. Baili pinched his lips together and bowed his head in agreement.

The Grand Priest left without further ado, followed by Shi Ying, who couldn't keep the smile off his face.


The next morning, before the night fog had cleared, Baili Hongyi entered the kitchen. He hadn't slept a wink last night, never before had he been forced to spend the night in a dormitory with so many others. The heavy, sweet odor in the kitchen also put him in a bad mood. The odor was unpleasant to his senses. It felt like the heavy note was covering his nose and mouth like a velvet cloth. It was similar to the herbal mix the priests had made for the Empress. His head was spinning; if this were a restaurant, he wouldn't set foot inside.

"What is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"That heavy odor?"

"The sacred IceBlue Ming blossom! No idea about our most important ingredient and you're supposed to work here?"

"I come from far away."

"That must be very, very far away. This plant is called IceBlue Ming, according to legend it grew from the feather of the Divine Bird Chong Ming of Jiuyi Mountain. It is filled with spiritual energy. It only grows here."

"Divine Bird Chong Ming of Jiuyi Mountain?"

"It is a sacred phoenix. A huge white bird with ice-blue feathers. He is one of very few mystical beings who have trained their cultivation skills over thousands of years to be able to take on a human form." Another kitchen assistant intervened: "Chong Ming is a very handsome man! And he never tires of mentioning it."

"It's taken him many thousands of years, don't you think he should be proud of it? You won't get to see him anyway, newcomer! Chong Ming is only with the High Priest."

"High priest? That's the man in white... Shi Ying?"

"For you high priest! You don't have the status to call him by his name!"

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