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Shi Ying's living area was far away and, above all, far up in the mountains.

"Follow me. There is the kitchen. Here are my rooms and there..." he led the way and Baili followed into a small house. It had a table, some shelves and a bed behind a screen with painted white magnolias.

"This is your place to sleep and live while you are here. You can move freely around the grounds. I will bring your belongings here. Go to the kitchen and familiarise yourself with the utensils, I think you'll want to get some ingredients. In the meantime, I'll get you some new clothes."

"New clothes?"

"Sure. You have a different status now. If you go to the kitchen or need something, the servants and guards should know immediately who you work for and give you what you ask for without hesitation." That made perfect sense.

Baili went to the kitchen without another word.

And Shi Ying... he went into his house and pulled out a small pearled box from under his bed. He opened it and took out a dried jasmine flower. He smelled it and smiled sadly: "Mother."

Baili rattled and tidied up in the kitchen. Of course, the kitchen was not up to his standards. "Baili Hongyi do you have a moment?"

Baili came to him. "Before you tell me what you want to eat. I don't want to cook with the IceBlue Ming, it covers everything. Can I just make you a tea with it?"

"Very nice of you to ask, but no, I don't need that plant. Besides, I have my own special tea up there. By the way, this row is off limits to you!" Baili confirmed this with a nod.

"I thought it was important for you spiritual people."

Shi Ying lit up in a silver glow and Baili literally lost his breath. "Baili... I am a very strong spiritual being, I don't need this plant."



"Baili!" For the first time, Shi Ying felt a blush rise to his face because of Baili's gaze .



"You're staring at me!"

It took a moment for these words to reach Baili Hongyi. Then he blinked and coughed embarrassedly.

The grin wouldn't leave Shi Ying's face for hours.

"Your new clothes are ready in your house. One more thing." He raised his hands and Baili immediately took a step back.

"Your hairpin is the servants', you need another one." Baili raised his hand, waiting for Shi Ying to give him the new hairpin.

"Come here." Baili raised his hand. Shi Ying knew very well that Baili was keeping him at a distance. It was just a pity that Shi Ying was just as stubborn as Baili.

He took a step closer to Baili, who immediately moved further back. "Baili Hongyi, you're behaving childishly." Oh, that really hit home. Baili was immediately outraged again.

One step closer, this time Baili stopped. Carefully he pulled the hairpin out of Baili's topknot. Shi Ying smiled warmly when he saw Baili's ears blush again.

"Baili...", brown clear eyes looked up at him, "I trust you." Baili was well aware of the weight and responsibility of this statement.

He gently pushed the new hairpin into his jet-black hair. The hairpin was made of white jade and had an elegant curve that merged into skilfully carved clouds. He leant closer to Baili: "And now some more time together?"

Baili was immediately nervous again, he swallowed and Shi Ying followed the movement of his wonderfully prominent Adam's apple. It was unique, like so many things about Baili Hongyi. That larynx was really sensual...then he grinned: " The library, Baili Hongyi!"

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