Shi Ying & Baili Hongyi

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Shi Ying felt uncomfortable, somehow empty. Heavy, as if the pull of the earth was so much stronger than usual. He had difficulty finding his way into meditation. After three hours, he gave up and went out.

The Grandpriest looked up in surprise: "Shi Ying?"

"I'm sorry, I'll continue in a moment."

"Your mind is restless. Perhaps you'd like to have some tea with me?" Shi Ying nodded

He liked tea, but the tea he really wanted to enjoy now had absolutely nothing to do with the flavor. The main thing was that Hongyi was there. He was sure that the dull feeling inside him, that this restlessness, would go away if he was with him. Ever since Hongyi had come to live with him, ever since he had decided to make Baili Hongyi his mate, he had felt more radiant and fulfilled than ever before.

Since Baili was there, the taste of jasmine was no longer associated with pain, but joy and... yes, he was sad and always would be, but through Baili, he not only saw the loss of his beloved mother, he also remembered the beautiful things with her, their love, their former home and the time he spent together drinking it with his Hongyi.

He missed him.

A lot.

It didn't feel right to be here without him. Although, if he was honest, none of this felt right, even he himself didn't feel right.

"Shi Ying?"

Shi Ying blinked and bowed his head towards his master.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you like the tea?"

"No it's not that, sorry." He took a sip.

Tart and sweet. Oh, he loved that flavor! Hongyi tasted the same. And... he took in the smell deeply...white magnolia.

The smell reached out to his memories: the big white magnolia tree and Baili when he saw him standing under it after he felt like coming home to him for the first time.

The moment he stood under the rain of blossoms.

Their first kiss with the flavor of jasmine and the soft scent of magnolias.

The last night together in the bath, when his heart overflowed with love for his Hongyi and he had enjoyed caressing him with every fiber, both sensually and caringly.

How he had fallen asleep with his love in his arms.

Once again, he felt his feelings for him open up like a lotus, making him glow inside. Hongyi literally made his insides glow.

"Where did you get this tea?"

"Your kitchen boy put it in the box."

White tea, with a hint of jasmine and magnolia... home.

Shi Ying took a deep sip. He could literally feel the heaviness leaving him.

Hongyi! He had thought of him and mixed him this tea. Baili's care and devotion were more evident in his gestures than in his words.

The mark Hongyi had left on his neck chugged softly. He had only been joking. *Now that he would no longer be a Grandpriest, he no longer needed to be so strict and could be more relaxed with his students and the others and closer with them...* Baili had already pinned him down with his deadly gaze. Even now, the same giggle rose in him as in that situation when he thought of how Baili had reacted to his statement. *He was allowed to be with others...* his Hongyi had pulled him toward him and marked him, and his clear "no" was still tingling in his stomach.

"Shi Ying?"


"You're not here in your mind."

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