Chapter One|Preparation For The Awakening I

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Hi, I'm Debbie and if you are coming here after reading my introductory chapter. I advise that you do not take that to be me. Technically, it is me but not the current me. I'm just a shy nerd with low mana control. I'm now walking through a nightmare with my glasses on. Yeah, it's not actually a nightmare but awakened school which will probably last a year and half if no problem arises.
"Oh! if it isn't failure girl". The clique walked towards me with mischievous looks in their eyes. My half sister from the royal blood Amulette family was among them. "Genevieve, c-could you please tell your friends to l-leave me alone", I said shutting my eyes. To be honest I don't think she will take my side. Our relationship isn't the good type and she never seems to want to be my friend. The blonde long hair slithered from her shoulder. Her deep blue eyes darkened with a feeling I could not describe. I could feel her hatred towards me. She bent over to me and asked, "why should I help you?".
"Cause we're..." Those words were about to slip out when I realized I wasn't a sister to her. I was suddenly thrown to the ground with a push done by a friend of Genevieve. But a liberating voice echoed across the nearly empty hallway, 'Leave her alone'. A ferocious female with neatly kept long blue hair, her red lips and eyes even more blue than the ocean. A jacket wrapped around her waist, her white shirt flying out and black skirt meshed with a messy design.
To me, she was walking in slow motion like a heroine coming to my rescue.
We became best friends in an instant. She helped me out and I wanted to repay her back someday. She even urged me to stand up for myself. If you ask me I'll say she looks like a bold and brazen yet kind and smart angel. Her name was Jemimah Lilian.
I met another unexpected variable, Catherine Marchell. She was a friend of Jemmy (Jemimah) and also a friend of mine in childhood. Though she doesn't remember me and I don't really remember much about her either. She was like the serious type, pink double pony-tailed hair with more natural looks. She is also from a royal blood family, Marchell.
I had friends and joy. There was nothing else I could ask for in this school life, except to be stronger and maybe taller. Both of my new friends were taller than me. I was literally almost the shortest girl in class. Not that I care but when you're being compared to, you just wanna be better at that so as not to be compared to others.
We had practical classes late and I failed everything as usual.

It's evening right now. The orange skies gradually darken and the night lights began to lit up. I had to go for my night shift. I wish I could sleep on one of those water bed I heard of in the girls dorm.
Crescent's awakened college with mighty reputable graduates and super enhanced facilities was also accommodating using dormitories.

It would have been nice to sleep on the soft bed and enjoy the cold breeze from the air conditioner. But I have to save money for the future since I'm now alone. I walked in to a convenience store for my shift. I greeted my boss, Ms Kelliway. She is a nice lady but also strict.
I had a really nice colleague at work, his name is Michael Lumiere. His silver medium-length hair and golden eyes made him an attraction magnet for customers. Yh and I wasn't excluded. We usually chat a little during breaks but I never really tried to get closer cos' of my shy and weak self. I'm not sure how he would react If he figured how weak I was, since his family is actually a powerful family even though they aren't royal blood. I don't even know why he is working here.
'Hi'. Those words brought me back to reality. 'The counter here is free, you can start now'. Michael said gesturing to the position right next to him. 'u-um okay, I'm coming'.
I rushed over there and started my duties. I couldn't help but glance at Michael. Why did he suddenly call me over?. The shift ended and I took up my things getting ready to leave.
Michael suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. My reaction was a bit over-board but I couldn't help it. Luckily we were outside the store so I didn't disturb the work flow. 'Woah sorry, I just wanted to ask if you're really gonna quit after the week'.

'Um y-yes, w-why did you ask?'. My heart is beating way too fast, what I'm I even expecting. 'I've always wanted to say this but... I', Michael said while moving to my front.
I shifted backwards in hesitation then suddenly an earth tremor occured.
To my surprise, the entire store sunk into the earth along with me and Michael. The ground was covered in mana energy which showed signs of a rift.
In case you're wondering let me give you guys a brief history class on my world..
A rift is like a gate to another world. Sometimes it doesn't completely lead to a world but a part of it. These rifts also known as holes and dungeons are one of the things that caused humans to awakened special abilities 100 years ago. Mana came from other worlds and collided with earth, making it a suitable place for monsters of other worlds to breach ours. During the chaos years, the government managed to put up a system of awakened and managed to reduce casualties. Though discrimination due to power arose and the rich people try to monopolize dungeons and the other worldly materials along with it. These discriminatory bastards are now known as royal bloods. Their lineage were one of the first to be awakened giving them massive adaptability to mana effect and control. Once in a while, these rifts open up unexpectedly with different danger levels
(smallest to highest- E, D, C, B, A, S, SS) and in different numbers. It can be destroyed only if you complete the rift by raiding it and destroying it's core.

Back to the present, I just fell into one and it doesn't feel like it's gonna be a low level rift. I am falling into an endless abyss, I can't feel my body. Why am I always caught up in trouble?! I really hope a high ranked awakened will save me. No, I can't think like that. I have to survive... I will survive no matter what... I will take this chance to become stronger, so Mum guide me.
My vision is darkening, am I fainting?......

An unknown being in a dark room speaks.
"Oh, looks like it's almost time for the awakening. I look forward to meeting you in person
Nifera Deborah"

Happy new month guys. April is here.
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