the big game

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"You're back" Emily says as Lola takes a seat at the table the others were occupying at the bar

"Miss me?" Lola smiles on response making Emily roll her eyes playfully

"So, how are they treating you at the B. A. U., Emily?" Haley asks

"She means, am I being nice to you?" Hotch corrects

"Actually, everyone has been incredibly nice" Emily replies as Lola takes her drink, sipping it as if it were her own

"Get your own" Emily teases slapping Lola lightly on the shoulder

"Mmm, you think that man over there would let me have his drink?" Lola asks pointing to a man who's currently eyeing Lola down

Emily's gaze shifts towards him, she clears her throat before saying "Yeah, i'm sure he would. But I wouldn't trust whatever he's drinking"

"Here" Lola says placing Emily's nearly empty glass back infront of her

"There's practically nothing left!" Emily exclaims

"I'll get you another one" Lola shrugs

"No it's fine, i'm not actually bothered" Emily insists

"So you don't want me to buy you a drink? Doesn't have to be now, another time" Lola suggests

Emily nods "Okay, another time"

"Just look at him move" Garcia says referring to Derek on the dance floor surrounded by women "He's like a cat"

"More like a dog!" Emily says in amusement

"He did not ask them to dance. They asked him" Garcia defends

"Okay, okay, he's a cat" Emily says

"An alley cat" Lola comments

"Come on, Haley, let's go show them how it's done" Hotch says dragging Haley to the dance floor

"I'm game if you are!" Haley replies

"That is so sweet" Emily comments

"I'm going to the loo. Do not let anyone steal my seat" Garcia warns Lola and Emily

"I'll guard it with my life" Emily replies before turning back to Lola who's already looking at her "So, what happened to the girl earlier, you two looked like you were getting along?"

Lola shrugs "Wasn't feeling it"

Emily raises her brows in suspicion "Fair enough"

"What about you, have fun with anyone?" Lola asks

"Uh, no" Emily chuckles awkwardly

"Why not?" Lola asks "You're hot, so you're not the problem. You're telling me there's not one person here you find attractive?" she questions

"I never said that" Emily replies

"So what?" Lola asks "I can help you out if you need a little ego boost"

Emily chuckles softly "That's okay, I don't need a man"

"I second that, most of the time" Lola says "Good thing I like women too"

Lola notices how Emily's expression falters slightly "Yeah, maybe I should try women some time"

"My doors always open" Lola smiles

"You know what, Garcia is right, Derek is a cat, you, you are a dog" Emily jokes

Lola just smiles in response, studying Emily's face carefully

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