distress pt1

261 20 4

"Hi, hi, hi" Lola let's out breathlessly as she takes a seat opposite Emily "Sorry i'm late" she apologises

"I was afraid you'd found another date" Emily teases as she admires the woman in front of her

Lola grins "Who could possibly catch my eye now that i've met you?" she jokes, although we all know there's an element of truth behind her words

"Funny" Emily replies with an eye roll

Lola leans back in her seat looking Emily up and down before saying "You scrub up well Prentiss" she compliments

"Don't I always?" Emily questions with a smile

"No" Lola jokes

"Oh, is that how it's gonna be? Well in that case, you've looked better" Emily fires back teasingly

Lola smiles "I look flawless, always"

Emily takes in a deep breath "I can't deny that" she replies

"Careful Prentiss, people might think we're actually on a date" Lola replies her eyes darting around the room, pretending she'd actually care what anyone else thought

"I don't have a problem with that" Emily says in return

"You don't?" Lola questions seriously "What happened to that whole, 'i'm not ready' attitude?"

Emily smiles slightly "I don't know, I guess I just feel ready now"

Lola nods "Good, hiding who you really are is exhausting" she exaggerates

"Couldn't agree more" Emily replies

Lola sends a smirk her way "Does that mean I can take you home with me tonight?" she asks

Emily chuckles softly "We'll see how dinner goes first" she replies

Dinner was perfect, she was perfect. Lola wasn't one for romance, but my God did she want to shower Emily with all the love she could possibly give.

"So" Lola says holding her arm out, reaching her hand for Emily who takes it in her own, intertwining their fingers as they walk towards the parking lot "Did dinner meet your expectations?" she asks

Emily smiles "Uhh well, I don't know. You see, my date, she would not shut up about Harry Potter" she jokes

"Oh God, that sounds awful" Lola replies sarcastically

"Yeah" Emily teases "Although she's very nice to look at" she adds

Lola grins as she removes her hand so she can wrap her arm around Emily's shoulder, pulling the brunette into her side making Emily snake her arm around Lola's waist "Well, here's my car" Lola says "Am I making two stops or just one?" she asks with a smirk

Emily turns so she's facing Lola, both her hands placed on either side of Lola's waist, she leans forward, standing slightly on her tiptoes "Just one" Emily whispers in Lola's ear

"As you wish" Lola replies pulling away and opening the car door for Emily, as she does both women's phones go off

"No, no, no" Lola groans before even reading the message

Emily sighs putting her phone away before looking back at Lola

"We've got a case, haven't we?" Lola asks

"Yep" Emily replies with an sympathetic look

"Why can't bad guys be more considerate" Lola says

Emily chuckles "Come on Rossi, the cars not gonna drive itself" she teases

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