jones pt2

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"Hey, you guys are back from Galveston?" Spencer asks

"First light this morning. Where were you?" Lola questions him firmly

"I was out with a friend. I already told you" Spencer replies

"I called you four times" Emily says in annoyance

"I didn't have any cell phone reception, So I didn't get your message until late" Spencer defends

"Right" Emily says sarcastically, rolling her eyes

"What's going on?" Spencer asks trying to divert the conversation

"Our unsub's a woman" Morgan replies

Hotch approaches them "We just found another body in the quarter"

"Throat's been cut. He's been disemboweled, too" Morgan says

"Reeks of booze. It's more than a pattern" Gideon adds

"Only this time he cut off the earlobe" Morgan says

"She's sticking with the ripper's paradigm" Spencer says

"What do you mean?" Lola asks

"In one letter of correspondence, Jack the ripper promised to cut the earlobe off of his next victim. He did. It was the one day that he killed twice" Spencer replies

"So she's gonna kill again by the end of the day" Gideon says

"Ok, what do we know about female serial killers?" Emily questions

"Basically, you have two types" Gideon says

"The sante kimes model. Cold, calculating, preys on men for money. Takes her time building relationships" Morgan says

Lola nods "It's more likely we're dealing with the aileen wuornos archetype, motivated by paranoia and fear, luring men with sеx" she says

"Well, this unsub's organized. She follows a routine. She meets men in a bar, flirts with them over drinks, And suggests that they consummate the evening in an alley" Gideon says

"We need to be in those streets" Morgan says

"Office just brought me this" Will says approaching the team and handing a note to Emily

"Dear boss, By now I have rid the world of one more. So many men, so little time. I hope you don't mind the mess. They make is so easy, I just can't help myself. Yours truly"

Lola was grouped with Reid and Morgan, the team spread out across the room. Lola's gaze is fixated on Emily, she looks gorgeous in her dress.

"Most of the women are out in groups, So keep your eyes open for someone on their own" Morgan's voice speaks bringing Lola out of her trance

"Mmm hmm. You gonna tell me why you missed that flight to Galveston?" Lola asks Reid

"I already told you. It was no cell reception" Spencer replies

"Derek, you believe him?" Lola questions

"Not at all" Morgan replies

"What?" Reid questions

Lola shrugs "I mean, anytime you want to come up with a better answer, I'm standing right here" Lola replies

"Dark Curls, 3 o'clock" Morgan says

"I got it" Lola replies her eyes following the woman

"She's eyeing those guys outside that bar" Morgan says "Let's go" he says once she starts moving

Let Me Love You Like A Woman, Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now