distress pt2

251 21 7

"Just got back from the local homeless shelter. The administrator hasn't noticed anyone new displaying aggressive behavior" Reid informs Hotch

"He's not in a homeless shelter" Hotch replies

"He's not?" Lola questions

Hotch shakes his head "I just talked to Gideon and Morgan. They think that he's killing to protect some makeshift shelter of his own"

After a little girl and her dad showed up to the station, after a man had attacked the dad, the team hand managed to get a good idea of what the man looked like based on the girl's description.

Then Garcia called, that woman truly is one of a kind. She helped the team figure out the UnSub was a war veteran, suffering from PTSD. The man truly believed he was in a war zone.

After identifying him, his wife and best friend were brought in. They learnt more about his backstory, and with the help of his best friend they were able to find him.

As they team and SWAT showed up, the construction men decide that was the perfect time to start drilling causing the UnSub to panic. And when that happens, the chances of them coming out alive are slim. And so a man who fought for his country lay dead.

Lola hated cases like these. The ones where she could see the UnSub truly had no idea what they were doing. Those broke her heart.

"Hey" Lola says taking a seat next to Emily on the plane

"Hey you" Emily replies smiling at the younger woman

"How would you feel about coming over to mine tonight?" Lola asks

"To do what?" Emily asks with a smirk

"Anything you want" Lola replies with a genuine smile

Emily's eyes flicker to the others on the jet before they return to Lola's, she could see the exhaustion in Emily's eyes

"It's been a long day, so how about pizza and movie night?" Lola suggests

"Mhm, that does sound nice" Emily agrees

"Hey Lola" JJ says from the other side of the jet

"What's up JJ?" Lola asks

"Garcia called, she wants to do pizza and movie night, at yours" JJ adds

Lola sighs "Of course she does"

"We can reschedule" Emily whispers to Lola

Lola glances at her, so JJ speaks again "With you as well Emily, girls night"

"Alright, mine at 7, tell Garcia she's on snack duty" Lola replies

"Will do" JJ smiles, taking out her phone presumably to text Garcia

"No invite for me?" Derek questions

"Since when did you have a vagina, Morgan?" Lola questions

Morgan shakes his head "You're the devil Rossi"

Lola smiles to herself before turning back to Emily "My door opens for you at 6"

Emily chuckles "Then I will be there at 6" she replies

Garcia sent in a last minute request that tonight was indeed going to be a pyjama party. So Lola throws on a pair of pleated pyjama bottoms and a tight black tank top exposing her abs.

"Coming" she calls out when she hears a knock on her apartment door. She downs the rest of her red wine and heads to the door

"Hi" Emily greets softly

Let Me Love You Like A Woman, Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now