~Part I~ 1. A Blossoming Lotus

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          A/N: Before you begin, part one contains spoilers for up to season 3 of the anime because of my characters backstory, please proceed with caution if you have not finished season 3. 

Okay, chapter 1, start:

          All I could hear were my screams. I was completely frozen. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fight it. My mind was shutting down. I couldn't think clearly and every breath I took filled my lungs with a sharp pain. Am I having another panic attack? Right now?

"Amena!! What are you-?" It was my mother's voice. She was frantic.

"Mom?" I forced out weakly, looking around for the source of her voice. She could bring me back to the reality which I couldn't define in my panicked state. She always knew what to say to calm me down and ground me back to earth.

"Amena you have to run!" She pleaded. Her voice was incredibly high and distraught. I had never heard her sound like that before. She's a hero, why does she sound terrified? That's not helping at all. I could feel myself begin to take sharper and more frantic breaths. Her fear fueling my own.

"Get her and get out of here!" It was my father this time. His voice was filled with gut wrenching fear. I have never heard him sound like that. Not ever. He was always strong, brave, and calm. Never shaken, not even once.

"Ugh!" I got hit hard with a thud. I looked at whatever grabbed me and noticed it was my mother. She had a look of pure terror. Why is she so scared? She's dealt with villains like this before. Is it because I'm here? Was I distracting her? No, if I distract her then- I need to snap out of it! I have to calm myself so I can stay out of her way!

"Where's Kota?! Was he with you?!" She asked me, but she was more forceful. Almost angry.

"N-n... No!" I forced out. "H-he... he... s-stayed home."

I think this was the point she noticed just how terrified I truly was. There were flames all around us, and a giant villain chasing us. My father was right behind, trying to make sure my mom would get away with me in her arms. But I watched the villain gain on him. My father was tall, like maybe six feet at most, but this villain, in my eyes, looked taller than most buildings. He was strong. Covered in a lot of muscles, and not in the attractive way. His muscles seemed to bulge out unnaturally, and some were even showing without the layer of skin. It was disgustingly horrifying.

It was at that moment I realized my father wasn't going to be able to beat him. Both of my parents had a simple water quirk. They were some of the strongest heroes we had, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that this monster was going to change everything. I just knew this villain would somehow overpower my father...

"D-dad!" I cried out, but speaking up was incredibly hard, along with getting any words out through my heavy breathing.

My mother held me close to her chest. "Ame, look me in the eyes." My mother said gently. Now she's trying to calm me? It's too late! I already saw her fear, and my father's! I noticed she had tears forming. "It's going to be okay. Just focus on my voice." She gave a very faint smile. "Your father and I love you and your brother very much." It was at that point she handed me off to a stranger before kissing my forehead. "I'm going to help your father. Don't you dare worry about us!" She tried to feign confidence as best she could, but she couldn't hide the shakiness from escaping her lips. Why is she giving me away? Is she going to die? No! Don't think like that!

"Please take care of her." She spoke softly to the man now holding me.

"I will-" He tried to speak, but I cut him off, as I began thrashing in his arms and pleading for my mom. She just ran right back to help my father. No hesitation. The man struggled to hold me back, even though I was only twelve, my fear caused a force in me that was not to be reckoned with.

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