4. The Final Week

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Time seemed to be moving incredibly slowly as I awaited eagerly for my results from the exam. I could hardly take it anymore. It had only been two days, and I still had another five to go.

I mean, don't get me wrong. The last two days have been quite eventful, with the whole... Going to the doctor, quirk not working, breaking down like a dumb idiot in front of a dude I only knew for like ten months...

Yeah, not the best moment of my life, but certainly not the worst.

I sighed, kicking my legs up and down on my mattress. I was still laying in bed, waiting for time to pass.

Backdraft wanted me to take it easy over this next week, so I just decided to stay at home. I did not want to risk getting involved with another villain right before school.

No thanks.

I was laying on my stomach with my phone on the bed in front of me. I was just watching some YoTube. I figured some light hearted videos could help me not feel so bored. I had the volume turned up just a little bit. There was no need for my earbuds since I was by myself in my room.

I lightly swayed my head back and forth. I was feeling so much better today, physically. My arms still felt a little bit messed up, but it didn't hurt. I still didn't want to use my quirk though. I was afraid of damaging my body any more. I could seriously use a break from pain. I know it activated itself last night, but I wasn't going to push it any further.


My video was interrupted by the sound of a notification going off. I tilted my head in confusion as I read who it was from.

"BigBalls69: Lotus! When ya gonna come back? It's been a while? I've been worried about you. Please be okay!"

It was my friend. I know his name was very weird. To be honest he was kind of weird in general, but we met each other on this online video game I play. He seemed to be nice to me, aside from some random pervy comments, which I would typically ignore. I haven't played the game much recently though, given everything going on. Maybe I should respond. It's not like I had anything else planned today. I could probably keep him entertained for a few games.

"LotusFlower: Sorry I made you worry! Want to play a few rounds?"

Once he responded to my message, I logged onto my laptop. It was a little bit laggy, but other than that, the game worked just fine. I put on my headphones so I could use voice chat. It was amazing how easy it felt to talk to people online as opposed to in person.

Once the connection was established, I was greeted by a very excited voice. His voice was kind of soft and he spoke with a distinguished lisp.

"Lotus!" He cheered. "Thank gosh. Do you have any idea how worried I've been? How come you disappeared for a while? Were you involved with that attack the other day?"

"Whoa slow down!" I responded. My voice was still quiet online, but I was able to talk without a stutter. I think it was mainly because I didn't have to see the person on the other end of the line face to face. It also helped that I had met him online sometime last year, so we weren't very new to each other anymore, aside from the fact that we did not know one another in person.

"I'm okay. I just got busy. My guardian decided to help me train my quirk during these last few months." I explained to him. I wasn't going to tell him that I was involved with the attack though. "Just been busy. Sorry to worry you."

I heard him sigh a breath of relief. "That's good." I'm pretty sure he also had as much anxiety as me.

Poor kid. I really didn't mean to stress him out so much.

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