6. Glamorous Villains

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"Take your places! It's time to start the battle!" And with that, I would take my first step towards becoming a real hero.

I looked at Midoriya and Uraraka. We all exchanged glances as Uraraka used her quirk to float us into the tall building. I jumped through an open window on an upper floor while the two of them landed on a couple floors beneath me.

The building was mostly gray and didn't really resemble a normal building one might enter in the real world. It had thin halls and corridors, and there were also long rectangular lights on the ceiling. At least it was an easy building for stealth. Though I suppose if real villains were to hide a weapon here, it would make a pretty good facility.

Okay Ame, think of a plan...

I shuffled my way through all the dimly lit corridors before I heard some commotion beneath me and Uraraka began to speak through our communicators. All Might had given us a map of the building's layout along with communicators, and some Capture Tape before he sent us inside.

"Bakugo's found us! He took the bait!"

"O-okay. I'll find the weapon, I- I swear!" I replied back before I noticed a light from the other end of the hallway. I decided to investigate, since it was weird to have a light on when everything else was so dark. Though it could have just been windows, I thought it best to investigate regardless.

I quietly approached the destination and heard the faint muttering of Iida. "If I'm going to do this, then I have to play the part!" He said before laughing like a mad man. It was pretty funny, hearing him act like this.

"Yeah but that's a bit much." The voice of Aoyama could be heard as well.

"Muwahahaha!" Iida laughed like a crazy person, causing me to do my best to hold in my own laughter. "That's what being a villain is about!"

I carefully walked into the brighter room while the two were distracted. Sure enough, the weapon was right behind them. The room itself was spotless, nothing but pillars that connected to the upper floors.

"I see what a fine plan you have created. In that case, I shall play along." Aoyama continued the conversation.

I see they made this Uraraka proof...

As I was trying to get in closer to them, I tripped over my feet like an idiot.

"Uraraka? I knew you would show-!" Iida began before he noticed it was me. "Oh, well this might be a bit more of a challenge." He rubbed his neck before getting back into character. "No matter!" He pointed at me. "You hero! You must be stopped! You won't foil our evil plans! Ahaha." He was so in character he even made his voice sound higher. It was the hardest thing not to laugh. I never thought he had this side to him.

He takes things so seriously!

"I found Iida, b-but he found me too." I told my team quickly. "Aoyama's with him. I- I'm gonna try to get the weapon."

"Okay! Deku has it handled down here! I can offer support!" Uraraka chimed in.

"O-okay..." I then focused my attention back to the most vile and heinous of villains, Tenya Iida. "W-what do you plan to d-do, villains?" I questioned him, my eyes shifting to Aoyama. I decided to play along with Iida's game. I figured distraction would be the best strategy, since capturing him is out of the question. He's way too fast for me to catch up with. And no way could I take on two students at once.

"You mean you came in here to foil my plans, and you don't even know what they are?" He retorted. "Foolish hero! I'm here to blow up the place! Can't you tell by my huge bomb?"

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