Episode 1: Dubai or Thailand?

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I'm forty-four years old and I don't have a dime.

If someone were to pickpocket me in a secluded alley, it would be a waste of time. Probably, they would take pity on me and give me some money instead. I'll try never to end up on deserted alleys, so as not to take advantage of people.

Nevertheless, I do appreciate not having to share my poverty with anyone. I don't even have a dog to lick my face and wake me up in the morning, which is good because I don't want to be awake in the mornings.

Although I'm supposed to be the one selling right now, I sit quietly on the couch while the chubby guy wanders around the apartment, checking every bit of plaster and every screw on the outlets.

I have no intention of bothering him. If he wants to buy, he'll buy anyway.

I just hope the guy doesn't lean too far over the balcony railing, otherwise, it's goodbye deal! I've always thought that cursed railing is too low. It's dangerous. If you're not careful all the time, you simply take flight, and there are eleven floors down. That's an advantage because you have plenty of time to see your whole life pass before your eyes.

He has to make me an offer. He must!

If the man makes me an offer, I'll kiss him on the forehead and accept it on the spot. He's the fourth client in the fourth week, and every offer is getting smaller. Maybe they've made a deal among themselves or maybe I'm just too suspicious.

"I offer you fifty thousand dollars," says the chubby guy. "If we shake hands now, you'll get the money in no more than an hour."

The guy is fat, and I start to realize that I hate fat people. Until now, I had nothing against them, but now... it's over.

There's nothing to like about fat people. They eat more, poop more, consume more oxygen, and, importantly, they cause elevators to malfunction. It's clear: all fat people must die!

This bloated guy, either he's in cahoots with the other buyers, or he's sensed that I'm desperate. Maybe both. Whatever the case, I don't like what he's trying to shove down my throat. I'm not stupid, darn it! Two years ago, I paid exactly eighty thousand for this apartment.

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