He's a monster

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I gulp. I look at this thing that's supposed to be Francis. And it almost had me. Everyone is home now, there's no way I'd fall for this. And it doesn't look like him at all. Actually, it does, if it wasn't for the eyes. But because I'm bored, I'm going to play a bit.

"You're not on todays list" I say.
"I'm not? How am I not on the list? I leave every day? That must be a mistake, look again"
"I see... where is your ID?"
"It's me, Francis, I don't need one, I'm your neighbour. You should recognize me"
I giggle but hide it quickly. He stands there, still dead serious. Suddenly he says "Well, Marika, I was going to ask you on a date, but looks like you don't even recognize the man you will marry"
I almost choked on my coffee.

"What??" But before I could say anything, the "Francis" I just saw, left. But before he could go outside, he turned to me, a slightly angry face, eyes glowing yellow.

I called the D.D.D. that day, but they failed to catch it. I closed my work place off and tidied up everything for the 6am shift and night guards and went all the way upstairs to the 4th floor, to my own apartment. It was very small. Well, it used to be the attic. That's still way better than a basement. I have food, water and shelter, okay? I don't need anything more.

I take a quick shower and roll my hair into curlers and put a scarf over it to protect it, then I remove my makeup and massage my face with Nivea cream. I have a few dresses, mostly gifted. For tomorrow, I'm going to wear something light because I'm looking forward to spring.

I haven't really bothered about my appearance before. Maybe I just got older and suddenly cared. Maybe it's the pressure. But maybe I just want the control back that I lost. I'm so lucky to be here. If it hadn't been for a nightmare, I would be dead. A lot of people I knew have died. People who were just like me, had the same dreams and liked the same things. It's saddening, but at the same time, I feel cold. Life has gotten so lonely. I have lovely neighbours, yet none of them are super close to me or anything.

But no, I should be grateful to be here, at least. And one day, maybe we will have our old, free lives back.

Good Morning! I woke up at 6:30 today. My curls look better than they did yesterday, my skin is glowing and my lipstick is extra bright. If I'm not feeling good, I should at least look good, right? I ordered a Croissant for breakfast. Today, I'm wearing a pink dress.

I'm just... trying not to fall back into depression, okay?

The day begins with a few horrible Doppelgängers. Wait... Francis is not on the list... must be an error.

I called the D.D.D. on so many Francis copies by now, I think I broke a new record. Not as many as yesterday, yet.

"Hello, um, Miss Nowakis" I hear a dry voice. It's Francis! I blush "Hey, good evening. May I see ID and entry request, please?" He nods and hands both of them to me. But even through such a small window, I feel how cold his hands must have been. So far, everything is correct. "I don't see you on todays list, did something happen?" I ask. "Emergancy at work" he replies coldly. "I understand... please give me a second to document, okay?" I say. In reality, I'm calling his apartment. I believe him, but for the sake of the protocol I have to call. My eyes widen...
"Mosses speaking. I'm not expecting any visitors today. Is it a Doppelgänger again?"

I look at the Francis outside the window. He's surely handsome, I give him that. But now I can be sure, Francis did not leave today. It was unusual, but this thing is not him...

"The real Francis is in his apartment. Nice try, though" as I say those words, that... things eyes turn yellow "Fuck" it yells, the tone getting lower "You're not too bad at your job, I give you that" It's face is getting closer to the window, and now I see it's sharp teeth very clearly. I felt like I was paralyzed. "Want to see my real form? If you open the door, you will see" it begins smiling, but that smile is so sadistic and evil, I feel my legs go numb. "I'll do it quickly, so you won't feel any pain, I promise"

Reality hits me and I call the D.D.D. I have done this for over a month, this is the first time one of these things actually manages to scare me. After 5 minutes I'm finally told it's gone. It wasn't killed, it's just gone. So... it might come again.

I spend the remaining 2 hours doing my job. But once the day ends, I'm hell the fuck out.

I'm walking upstairs. I almost reach the 3rd floor. Maybe I should pay Francis a visit, unless he is asleep... I doubt he is. But he had a rest day so maybe... ugh, whatever.

Wait... He hasn't taken his mail yet. Someone(me) should be so kind to remind him, huh?

Let me fix my hair first. I'm so nervous. What if he thinks I'm annoying? Let's put my brain into standby mode and just... Do it...

"Who is this?" I hear a tired, deep voice ask.
"Umm hey, it's just me, Marika Nowakis, the doorwoman. I think you forgot your mail outside. Better to ta-"

He looks horrible. His tired eyes are exhausted now. His hair is all messy and he has a large bruise on his forehead. I can't help but gasp at the sight.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask, not even realizing I'm touching his face with my hand, feeling his wound. I quickly snatch my hand away "sorry" I try to laugh off my own behaviour.

"I got sick and fell and hit my head. My fever was pretty bad. I got clumsy. I'm okay, I promise." He tells me, trying to calm me down. This is the first time I see him wear casual clothes, a knitted pullover and jeans. I'm surprised. But only now I'm realizing I'm simply embarrassing myself right now. Oh my god...

He seems slightly amused at me. "It must be a fever dream, to have the beautiful lady I see every day by the entrance stand here, all dolled up, at my doorstep, while I'm dressed in the shabbiest clothes I own" he begins laughing. I turn red quickly. He gets serious again "I'm sorry, I'm not quite right in my head at the moment. So, Marika is your name?" I nod. "Let me invite you in, if you don't mind me looking like a complete idiot, I guess" I giggle and let him lead me into his appartment. He is so serious, but I saw him laugh and smile, I no longer feel intimidated.

"Thank you, Sir" I say as he pours milk into my glass. "Sir?" He looks at me, very confused. "Why so formal? You aren't that much younger than me" I look at my glass of milk, avoiding eye contact... "Francis, I'm sorry..." the room fills with silence and it gets really awkward. But as uncomfortable as I feel, at the same time I have never felt like this. I don't even know what I feel. I think I actually feel very comfortable. The silence, it's not too loud. The silence is warming, actually. I slowly look up from the glass of milk and see him stare at me. Quickly he looks away. "That milk-" He says quietly "I hope you like it". I nod. Even though I look at the glass of milk, I feel his eyes stare at me. But it's not a cold stare. I look at him and he looks away, once again.

I can see a soft smile on his face. "It must be the fever" he says. "Please stay home for at least 3 days, for your own safety, and everyone else's" I advise him. He just nods slightly. "If you need anything, please tell me, okay? I have to go. Get some rest" I say as I put my empty glass of milk down and slowly get up. "Wait-" I hear his raspy voice as he suddenly grabs my hand. I got so surprised, I look at him and he slowly pulls his hand away again. "Will you- I mean you don't have to, but will you come again tomorrow?" He asks shyly. "Probably, Francis. See you tomorrow" I say as I leave upstairs. I feel his gaze on myself, my heart beating fast but I don't turn back.

Yesterday was truly a rollercoaster, but today... is... even fucking worse.

That thing. Is. Staring. Into. My. Soul.



"All the Doppelgängers, you have truly caught my eye, and I'm not the only one. Just open the gate, or go ahead, call your D.D.D. frie-"

*finished* That's not Francis [Milkman fanfic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu