Truth or Dare?

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"Marika, where have you been?" He asks shyly. I haven't seen him act so shy before. I sit here, in a red dress and caked in makeup. How am I supposed to explain myself? What am I supposed to tell him? Oh yea, I went on dates with the Doppelgänger you fought. You know, the one who tried to kill me and almost killed you too. Also your ex girlfriend has a baby with that monster and that baby is your neighbour and looks like you because they... haha you know... while it took your identity. Is that what he wants to hear?

I just look down. "I'm sorry, Francis" I whisper. I'm so overwhelmed at this point, my entire body begins trembling. His stare is cold, yet I see confusion and a bit of pain inside those eyes. I slowly look up to see his face. I can't put into words how much I love looking at his face, when not too long ago I dreaded doing that for the exact same reason I love it now.

He slightly raises his eyebrows "Have I said something wrong? You kept ignoring me the entire week" he says almost innocently. Even if we just actually met, we have gone through a lot together. I feel bad for him. Very bad. I don't even know how to approach him, there's so much I have yet to find out, yet I have to think about him too...

No... how dare I? He should know the truth. Even if that means losing him forever.

"Francis" I start quietly "Please don't hate me" I say and without realizing it tears start streaming down my face, the tears I locked in for the past week. I betrayed my Francis, the man who saved me. And what did I do? Run to the... "man" who looks like him but isn't him, you know, the ummm... "man" who wants him dead.

Both of us are half monster, half human. Both of us would be killed off by humans if they knew, and abused by monsters if we switched sides. But one of us is walking hand in hand with a monster one hour while working an essential job for the safety of humanity the next.

Francis gently touches my face so now I look up to him. He's trying to wipe my tears. The apologetic tears. I'm about to ruin it. I'm about to ruin the love story I dreamt of. The love story, the delusion that could have been. I can no longer romanticize the pain of living through the end of the World.

"My Marika, you can tell me what happened" he whispers and I freeze. I stare at him while his face is dead serious. I get nervous... and I think... He knows...

I sigh "okay... you deserve to know" I whisper back

"Have you noticed something, Francis?" I ask.

He shrugs "The monsters that tried to interrupt me all the damn time while I'm trying to do my job, they're awfully quiet now? Or do you mean I started working again? Or the fact that you keep ignoring me? What is going on??"

"I-" I try to find my words "I think, yes, it's all because of a deal I made behind your back"

He looks disappointed now. I can't help but get scared. I don't feel good about any of this. The tears that are streaming down my face have been fighting to get out since last week. I missed him so much. His voice, his smell, his strong arms, his shoulders and most importantly... his presence. I already see myself in an asylum because of feminine hysteria because my emotions are all over the place.

"I wanted to get rid of the monsters. Out of mind, out of sight. So I go on dates now" I say, my voice being incapable to cover my guilt.

Silence fills the room. I think he just rolled his eyes, but I can't tell. All I know for sure is that I messed up... did I?

"Dates?" He asks. I nod. "But with the monster. It's name is Jorekis and it seems to hate you with a lot of passion. I got a bit concerned and felt like I had to do it. I'm... sorry. So sorry. Because it was my only choice to shield you and myself. It is obsessed with me"

*finished* That's not Francis [Milkman fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now