What... are you??

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"D.D.D. speaking. Miss Nowakis again, huh? We're coming."

I wait for the team to take care of it. I don't think I can ever talk about it. I don't even know who or what that was supposed to resemble. It was terrifying to look at. I don't think I will ever get used to these distorted faces. They haunt me in my dreams.

I can't wait for my shift to end. But only 30 minutes before it's finally over, I get a phone call
"D.D.D. speaking. Miss Nowakis, we have put you on night shift for tomorrow. You have passed the 2 month Mark today. Congratulations on that. Tomorrow is an exception, you will be put on the 11am shift the following days. Good luck"

Well, fantastic. Now I get the lamest shift out of all. But that might be because of the street cleaning. They do that once every 2 weeks. Nobody shall enter or leave any buildings and stay inside. There's a few exceptions, though. Only very few people leave, and they can't leave until 11pm. I can't lie, I have a love-hate relationship with this job.

On one hand, it's fun talking to all those people, getting to know them, getting gifts and nice gestures. In a weird way, it's fun catching those Doppelgängers.

On the other hand, it's so much pressure to have so many lives depend on me. One minor mistake means the end of us. Sometimes these Doppelgängers are terrifying to look at. I'm prone to nightmares. I remember more than half of my dreams, so it's not the best thing.

Finally, the late shift lady comes in. I grab all my stuff and leave.

On the 3rd floor, I remember my promise. My heart starts beating fast, once again. Ugh, I feel so helpless.

"Francis?" I knock on the door. His appartment is unusually quiet. I knock again, but a bit louder. The door opens. I feel relieved to see him look less exhausted and his bruise has gotten better, too.

"I- um... Just wanted to check up on you, I'm sorry to come off as annoying"

He looked at me, all serious
"Thank you. I wasn't myself yesterday. I have to apologize if I intimidated you or anything"

"Oh no, no, no you didn't. It was a pleasure to talk to you"
He raises his eyebrows. God, he's so handsome, I can't help but pause talking.
"Well, I was a bit shy around you before but I'm glad we could have a talk for once. I have night shift tomorrow so I can't pay you a visit. See you around. Please rest, okay?"

He nods
"Good bye" he says as he kisses my hand gently.

My eyes almost widen as I blush, no, I'm turning red, actually. But I catch myself quickly. I smile and walk upstairs, to my own little home.

I know I'm a grown woman. But... THIS. That was... I feel like a teenager again.

"Good evening" I say, walking into the workplace, placing my freshly brewed cup of coffee on the coffee table. It's 10pm. If you wonder how I spend my day, Well, I don't know either. I tried to nap in order to save energy. I brought a quizbook and a newspaper with me. This shift WILL be boring for sure.

Well, 4 hours in, I regret thinking like that. Nobody has left their appartment, everyone must be asleep. I hear a knock at my side door. I'm shocked to see it's

"Francis?" I say. I open the door. "What are you doing here?" I ask, surprised to see him give me flowers. Despite such a sweet gesture and the elegant suit he's wearing, his face is so serious.
"Marika, thank you for caring for me. I humbly ask you to take these flowers"

*finished* That's not Francis [Milkman fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt