Whispers of Fate

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In the bustling atmosphere of the party, Sunghoon's senses were heightened. As an adult werewolf, he could discern the unique scent of his mate among the sea of people. The aroma was intoxicating, drawing him like a magnet towards its source. With determination in his eyes, Sunghoon navigated through the crowd, his heart pounding in anticipation.

In a secluded corner, away from the throngs of people, Sunghoon's gaze fell upon a figure that radiated innocence and vulnerability. A cute boy with glasses stood there, his eyes darting nervously as if he sensed Sunghoon's approach. Sunghoon's instincts screamed that this was his mate and he wasted no time in closing the distance between them.

Mate, Sunghoon whispered, his voice laced with reverence and longing.

Sunoo's eyes widened in recognition and apprehension, confirming Sunghoon's suspicions. He knew why Sunghoon had sought him out.

With a mixture of excitement and possessiveness coursing through his veins, Sunghoon gently trapped Sunoo against the wall, his gaze locking with Sunoo's.

Darling, you're my mate, Sunghoon declared, his voice husky with emotion. What is your name?, I want to claim you so bad.


unoo's breath hitched, his cheeks flushing with a combination of fear and desire. Sunn...Sunoo he replied nervously. He understood the implications of Sunghoon's words, knowing that the claiming process was both primal and intimate. But Sunoo also knew that he had a choice in the matter.

I'm sunghoon, your mate my love sunghoon said.

In a silent yet profound gesture, Sunoo bared his neck, offering himself to Sunghoon willingly. It was a testament to the trust and affection that already existed between them.

Moved by Sunoo's trust, Sunghoon leaned in, his lips brushing against Sunoo's neck in a tender caress before sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. A rush of emotions flooded Sunghoon's senses as he claimed Sunoo as his own, sealing their bond in a primal act of possession.

As their connection deepened, Sunghoon and Sunoo could feel their minds intertwining, their thoughts merging into one. It was a sensation unlike anything they had ever experienced before – a profound sense of unity and belonging that transcended words.

With their bond solidified, Sunghoon cupped Sunoo's face in his hands, his gaze filled with love and devotion.

Sunoo, Sunghoon whispered his voice trembling with emotion. I promise to protect you, cherish you and love you for eternity."

Sunoo's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he reached up to caress Sunghoon's cheek, his heart overflowing with love.

And I promise to stand by your side, to support you and to love you with all that I am, Sunoo vowed, his voice echoing with sincerity.

In that moment, amidst the chaos of the party, Sunghoon and Sunoo found solace in each other's arms. They had discovered a love that was destined to endure the trials of time, a love that would light their way through even the darkest of nights.

Together, they embarked on a journey filled with passion, adventure, and unwavering devotion – their souls forever entwined in a bond that could never be broken.

After two years..............

Two years had passed since Sunghoon and Sunoo had claimed each other as mates, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains, they lay intertwined in each other's arms, their bodies molded together in a tender embrace.

Sunghoon nuzzled against Sunoo's neck, breathing in the comforting scent of his mate. He reveled in the warmth of their connection, unwilling to let go of Sunoo even for a moment. But as Sunoo stirred slightly, signaling his desire to shift positions, Sunghoon tightened his grip, unwilling to relinquish his hold.

Stay with me, Sunoo,Sunghoon murmured, his voice filled with longing. ust a little longer.

Sunoo smiled softly, understanding the depth of Sunghoon's attachment. But despite his love for Sunghoon, he needed space to move, to breathe.

Sunghoon, I need to stretch," Sunoo whispered, gently trying to extricate himself from Sunghoon's embrace.

But Sunghoon refused to yield, his desire to keep Sunoo close overwhelming his senses. With a determined glint in his eyes, he rolled over, pinning Sunoo beneath him, their bodies flush against each other.

Sunghoon,Sunoo gasped, surprised by the sudden shift in their position.

Sunghoon's lips curved into a tender smile as he gazed down at Sunoo, his eyes filled with adoration and desire.

I can't bear to let you go, baby, Sunghoon confessed, his voice raw with emotion. You're everything to me.

Sunoo reached up to caress Sunghoon's cheek, his touch gentle and reassuring.

I'm here, babe, Sunoo whispered, his voice a soothing melody. And I'm not going anywhere.

With their love as their guide, Sunghoon and Sunoo surrendered to the passion that consumed them, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they expressed their love in the most intimate of ways. In that moment of unity, they found solace in each other's arms, their souls intertwining in a bond that transcended time and space.

As the night stretched on, they lost themselves in the depths of their love, their hearts beating as one in a symphony of passion and desire. And as the first light of dawn illuminated the sky, they lay entwined in each other's embrace, knowing that together, they could weather any storm that came their way. For in each other's arms, they had found their home, their sanctuary, their forever.

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