The Texting Dilemma

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Sunoo: [giggling while on his phone]

Sunghoon: Who are you texting?

Sunoo: Jay.

Sunghoon: What? Sunoo, he's a... uh, a charming individual with questionable morals! he is a fuckboy! you should not respond to fuckboys!




Sunghoon: Sun, say something to me!

Sunoo: What?! You said I shouldn't respond to Fuckboys.

Sunghoon: I know, but... but I didn't mean it like that!

Sunoo: Oh really? Then how did you mean it?

Sunghoon: I meant... I meant... I don't know what I meant! Just... just put the phone down, Sunoo.

Sunoo: But he's funny!

Sunghoon: Funny doesn't make up for... for being a... a... a potential heartbreaker!

Sunoo: Oh please, you're just jealous because he's not texting you.

Sunghoon: Jealous? Me? Pfft, as if!

Sunoo: Mhmm, sure.

Sunghoon: Well, maybe a little jealous.

Sunoo: Aha! I knew it!

Sunghoon: Fine, I admit it. I don't like the idea of you texting other guys.

Sunoo: Oh? And why is that?

Sunghoon: Because... because you're mine!

Sunoo: Yours, huh? Last time I checked, I didn't see a label on me saying "Property of Sunghoon."

Sunghoon: Well, maybe there should be!

Sunoo: Oh, so now I'm your property?

Sunghoon: No! I mean... I mean... you know what I mean!

Sunoo: Actually, I don't. Care to explain?

Sunghoon: Ugh, you're impossible!

Sunoo: And you're adorable when you're flustered.

Sunghoon: Stop changing the subject!

Sunoo: Fine, fine. I'll stop texting Jay.

Sunghoon: Really?

Sunoo: Yeah, because I just realized... I'd rather be talking to you anyway.

Sunghoon: Oh.

Sunoo: So, what do you want to talk about?

Sunghoon: Uh... I don't know.

Sunoo: Well, I heard there's this new ice cream place that just opened up...

Sunghoon: Ice cream sounds good.

Sunoo: Great! Let's go.

Sunghoon: Wait, now?

Sunoo: Yeah, why not?

Sunghoon: But... but what about Jay?

Sunoo: Who?

Sunghoon: Exactly.

Sunoo: Come on, let's go get some ice cream and forget about charming individuals with questionable morals.

Sunghoon: Best idea I've heard all day.

Sunoo: That's why you keep me around, Sunghoon.

Sunghoon: Yeah, that's exactly why.

Sunoo: Sure, keep telling yourself that.

Sunghoon: Oh, I will.

Sunoo: Come on, Romeo. Ice cream awaits!

Sunghoon: Lead the way, my love.

Sunoo: Your love, huh? I like the sound of that.

Sunghoon: Get used to it, because you're stuck with me.

Sunoo: Wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunghoon: Me neither.

Sunoo: Now, let's go get some ice cream before I change my mind about texting Jay.

Sunghoon: Agreed. Ice cream first, drama later.

Sunoo: Exactly.

Sunghoon: You know, you're pretty smart for a guy who almost got himself into a texting dilemma.

Sunoo: Hey, we all have our weak moments. But lucky for me, I've got you to keep me in line.

Sunghoon: Damn right you do.

Sunoo: Now, come on. Double scoop or triple?

Sunghoon: Triple, definitely triple.

Sunoo: That's my boy.

Sunghoon: And you're my... my everything.

Sunoo: Smooth recovery, babe.

Sunghoon: I try my best.

Sunoo: And your best is more than enough for me.

Sunghoon: Same here, Sunoo. Same here.

And so, hand in hand, Sunghoon and Sunoo walked off into the sunset, leaving behind the potential texting dilemma in favor of a sweet, ice cream-filled evening of love and laughter.


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