Ambassador of Pluto (PT.2)

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=========NICOS POV==============

I was standing in the graveyard leaning on a particular tall grave stone when a voice appeared from behind me.

"You aren't a human, are you?"

"Are you"

"So no, you aren't"

The mysterious person with an aura of darkness chuckled.

"You seem to be... well suited for this environment. Why is that?" the way they said it sounded like a demand, not a question. 

"I will tell you when you tell me the answer to the very same question. Now if you don't mind, I am waiting for my cousin Percy to show up"

Though I couldn't see the mysterious murder figure I could feel the shadows grow tense at my words. Dam my big mouth and social tendencies that Will brought upon me. 

"You seem to know that name. Care to share?" I tried to play it off as a planned revelation. I don't think it worked but you never know. 

" Depends. Percy Jackson?"

"The one and only"

"And how do you know him" 

I debated whether I should reveal the answer.  He seemed to know kelp for brains and I doubt that any friend of Percy's would harm me . Then again they may not be a friend. Knowing Percy's record I am kind of surprised they haven't attack me already just for bringing up his name. 

I decided to trust them. Not my brightest moment but not my darkest either. 

"He's my cousin. I came here looking  for clues as to who a 'Sadie and Carter' could be. I don't suppose you know who they are either?" I decided to try and get some info about the mysterious allies. 

Looking back I think that's what spurred him to attack me. 

His face finally showed through the darkness and I was shell shocked to find he looked almost identical to me. 

"Don't you dare come near them. I don't care if you know Percy or even Annabeth. last time one of your kind came close to them a magician tried to become a god and Sadie almost died. While I would still be able to see her Walt would be crushed. " He ranted, slipping into an accent I didn't recognize toward the end. 

When I opened my mouth to protest and say I had no idea what was going on he scowled - even deeper if that's possible- and leapt out of the shadows. He didn't hit me with a sword or blade, but a necklace. That's when everything went black.

=============== ANUBIS POV==============

I freaked. I will admit that much. Maybe I made a mistake knocking out Percy's cousin. Knocking out isn't so accurate as slowing his pulse to barely alive. Oops. 

He mentioned Sadie and last time she got involved with the Greeks an Egyptian magician tried to become a god and caused a lot of chaos along the way. Ironic considering he wanted to rule Ma'at. 

Was an Egyptian god pretty much kidnapping a Greek demigod -a child I believe to be a son of Hades - a declaration of war........ It could be interpreted that way, yes. 

Suddenly the clouds departed and the sun was visible in the sky. yes the sun. I don't know what time I got here but I was due back at the Brooklyn house at approximately 2 hours ago. I cursed under my breath knowing I couldn't hide this from Sadie and Carter. 

Suddenly Walt woke up. We had a deal about who would be in charge when. While Walt slept I could do my godly stuff but I had to be home by the sunrise. I'm making a lot of mistakes tonight, Gods know this wasn't going to be my last one. 

As Walt took control I lost mine and had to deal with being a thought while we dealt with this. 

================WALT POV==========

"Anubis? What the hell happened here and why is there an unconscious, miny you?" 

Um........... He may be a Greek demigod - Percy's cousin, he said- and he might have mentioned looking for Sadie and Carter so I might have freaked......and knocked him out.... just a little......... yea......

Me and Anubis had not personally met the legendary Percy and Annabeth though the Kanes' told us about the Son of Sobek, Serapis, and Setne. Huh, they all start with an 'S' .  The sudden knowledge that the boy in front of me had met them and was looking for Sadie mad my blood run cold. 

What do you mean he was looking for Sadie. You dont think that they need her and Carter for some war or something do you? I asked Anubis anxiously.

That's what I was worried about. and I think I reacted accordingly. 

Who knows. The only thing we can do is take him back to the house and see what they want to do. Maybe Sadie can call Annabeth and ask her, or at least get her to pick up this boy.

So that's what we did.

That's it for this chapter, Don't worry I am going to do a part three . So this may not be a one shot but I doubt most of these will be limited to one chapter. 

Hope you liked it, don't forget to vote and comment!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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