Chapter 3

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The morning light filters softly through the curtains of our shared apartment, casting a calm over the room that's in stark contrast to last night's tumult. I'm in the kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee, when Ryan strolls in, his hair tousled from sleep, yet there's a spark in his eyes that tells me he's already replaying the events of the night.

"Morning, rockstar," he greets, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he heads straight for the coffee pot.

I can't help but smile back, despite the lingering fatigue. "Morning. Feel like I got hit by a truck, though. Last night was... something else."

Ryan laughs, pouring himself a generous amount of coffee before joining me at the table. "Yeah, 'something else' is one way to put it. But man, you should've seen yourself up there. zVega, the synthwave sensation, captivating the masses with his electrifying presence. I was half expecting an encore."

"Encore, huh? You were the one trying to start a fan club with that ridiculous sign." Rolling my eyes, I take a sip of my coffee, the warmth comforting.

"Hey, every great artist needs a hype man. Consider me your self-appointed promoter," he says, raising his cup in a mock toast. "But seriously, Zac, you were amazing. 'Haunted'... that song's going to stick with me."

"Thanks, Ryan. Means a lot, especially after everything that went down with Damian." I let out a sigh, the edge of my anxiety blunted by his praise.

"Yeah, about that... You think he'll come around?" Ryan's expression sobers at the mention of Damian.

Shrugging, I gaze out the window, the city awake and alive beyond our small apartment. "I hope so. But right now, I'm just... I'm tired, Ryan. Tired of feeling like I'm being pulled in a thousand different directions."

"He's going through a lot, Zac. We all are, in different ways. But for Damian, with the crew and everything... it hits differently,"

"I just hate how it went down. I know my music is pulling me in a different direction, but I never wanted it to cause a rift between us."

Ryan leans against the table next to me, offering a reassuring smile. "You guys are together, Zac. And couple's argue, especially when big changes are happening. He'll come around. Just give him some time."

"I hope so," I say, the worry still gnawing at me. "I'll give him a call later, see if he wants to talk. Or at least make sure he's not still mad."

"Good idea. And hey, if he needs a bit more time, we'll be here when he's ready. That's what we do, right?" Ryan's attempt to lighten the mood doesn't go unnoticed, and I'm grateful for it.

His words, simple and sincere, cut through the fog of my worries, grounding me. "Thanks, Ryan. Seriously. Don't know what I'd do without you."

He grins, squeezing my shoulder before standing up and stretching. "What are best friends for, right?"

The phone rings just as we finish breakfast, the screen flashing Damian's name. I hesitate for a moment, exchanging a glance with Ryan before answering. Without a word, I hit the speaker button, setting the phone down on the kitchen table between us.

"Zac, you there?" Damian's voice comes through, clearer than I expected, tinged with an urgency that immediately captures our attention.

"Yeah, I'm here," I respond, leaning closer to the phone. Ryan mirrors my action, his expression turning mischevious. "Ryan present, bitch!" Ryan screams to let Damian know he's on speaker. Ryan and I could not help but burst out laughing.

"Oh perfect, I get cussed out by Ryan to start my morning. Listen guys, Ronan's called an emergency meeting for the Sun City Fires. Tomorrow. In Van Horn," Damian says, getting straight to the point. The mention of Ronan and an emergency meeting sends a ripple of tension through the room.

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