Chapter 4

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The evening starts with a sense of excitement. Damian had surprised me with tickets to a drive-in movie theater, a rare treat that immediately lifted my spirits. It felt like a throwback to simpler times, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation as we drove through the city, the sunset casting a warm glow over the streets.

"Guess what we're watching?" Damian teases, a playful grin on his face as he glances over at me from the driver's seat.

I chuckle, playing along. "I don't know, a horror movie? You know those always scare the fuck outta me."

Damian laughs, shaking his head. "No, no horror tonight. It's a classic—'Back to the Future.' Thought we could use a bit of adventure and nostalgia." My face lights up at the mention of one of my favorite films. "Seriously? That's awesome, Damian. I love that movie."

The drive to the theater is filled with a comfortable banter, reminiscing about the first time we each saw the film and quoting our favorite lines. As we arrive and find a spot among the other cars, the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement, families and couples alike setting up their spots with blankets and snacks. Damian pops the trunk, revealing a cozy setup with pillows and blankets, a thoughtful touch that warms my heart. "Thought we'd watch in style," he says, winking.

The movie starts, and we settle in, the familiar storyline and characters enveloping us in a sense of comfort and joy. It's during these moments, laughing and reciting lines together, that I feel a profound connection to Damian, a reminder of the good times that have defined our relationship. However, as the night progresses, a shift in Damian's demeanor becomes apparent. During intermission, I suggest grabbing some popcorn from the concession stand, wanting to stretch my legs and enjoy the full drive-in experience.

Damian's reaction is immediate and sharp. "Why bother? We have snacks here. Just stay put, Zac."

I'm taken aback by his tone, a mix of confusion and disappointment settling in. "I just thought it'd be nice to get some fresh air, maybe meet some of the other moviegoers. It's part of the fun, isn't it?"

"Listen, I planned this night for us, okay? Can't you just enjoy what I've set up without needing more?" Damian's gaze hardens, and he grabs my wrist, a bit too tightly.

His grip on my wrist tightens for a moment before he seems to catch himself, releasing me with a huff. The sudden display of control and anger leaves me shaken, the warm bubble of our date burst by the sharp intrusion of reality.

"Damian, you're hurting me," I say, my voice low, a tremor of unease running through me.

He pauses, looking at me as if seeing me for the first time that evening. "I... I'm sorry, Zac. I just wanted tonight to be perfect."

The apology, though welcome, does little to ease the tension that has settled between us. We watch the rest of the movie in silence, the earlier joy replaced by a palpable discomfort. As we drive home, the silence feels oppressive, a stark contrast to the light-hearted conversation that had marked the start of our evening. I know I need to address what happened, but the words seem lodged in my throat, fear and confusion swirling within me.

Finally, unable to stand the silence any longer, I muster up the courage to speak. "Damian, about earlier at the theater... I think we need to talk about it."

Damian's grip on the steering wheel tightens, but he doesn't look at me. "What's there to talk about, Zac? I already apologized."

"I know you did, and I appreciate that. But it's not just about the apology. It's about why it happened in the first place," I say, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rising anxiety.

Damian lets out a frustrated sigh. "I told you, I just wanted the night to be perfect. I thought you'd appreciate what I'd planned."

"I do appreciate it, Damian, I really do. But don't you see? It's not about the perfection of the plans. It's about us enjoying our time together. And when you... when you grabbed my wrist like that, it scared me. It made me feel like I couldn't even express a simple wish without upsetting you."

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