Chapter 5

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As the highway stretches out before us, the sun beginning to dip below the horizon, the mood in the car is a mix of anticipation and camaraderie. Ryan's behind the wheel, pushing the speed limit as Las Cruces draws closer, while Jennie navigates from the shotgun seat. I'm in the back, lost in my thoughts, but their banter pulls me back to the present.

"Ryan, seriously, how many times are we gonna do this?" Jennie's voice is playful but carries an undercurrent of concern. "Every time we go to one of these meets, I can't help but worry."

Ryan glances at her, a smirk playing on his lips. "Come on, Jennie. You worry too much. We're just going to have some fun, blow off some steam. It's not like I'm in the races."

"Yeah, but you're still part of the crew, aren't you? Hanging around with people who live on the edge. It's dangerous, Ryan. And after everything with Damian..." Jennie trails off, her concern now overt.

I lean forward, chiming in. "She's got a point, man. These meets can get pretty intense."

Ryan rolls his eyes, focusing on the road. "Look, I appreciate the concern, both of you. But I know what I'm doing. Besides, it's not just about the racing. It's about the people, the adrenaline. It's hard to explain."

Jennie turns in her seat to face me, seeking an ally. "Zac, tell him. He listens to you. It's not just about the thrill. It's about being smart, being safe."

I nod, understanding her worries. "She's right, Ryan. There's a fine line between seeking thrills and courting danger. Especially now, with the crew in the spotlight after Ronan stepped down."

Ryan's expression tightens at the mention of Ronan, a sore subject for all of us. "I get where you're coming from, but being part of the Sun City Fires... it's part of who I am. You guys know that."

The conversation shifts, the banter giving way to a more serious debate. Jennie's voice rises slightly, her frustration evident. "And what if something happens to you, Ryan? Have you thought about that? About how it would affect all of us?"

Ryan's grip on the steering wheel tightens, his jovial demeanor fading. "Of course, I have, Jennie. But living in fear isn't living. We take risks every day, in everything we do. This is no different."

I can see Jennie's resolve faltering, her argument born out of love and fear. "But it is different, Ryan. These aren't just everyday risks. They're choices, choices that could have serious consequences."

The tension in the car is palpable, the excitement of the upcoming meet overshadowed by the gravity of our conversation. Ryan glances at Jennie, then at me in the rearview mirror, his expression softening.

"Look, I promise I'll be careful. For both of you. I know you're just looking out for me." Ryan's concession feels like a truce, an acknowledgment of our concerns.

Jennie sighs, leaning back in her seat. "Just... make sure you come back to us in one piece, okay?"

Ryan nods, a silent vow hanging between us as we continue our journey to Las Cruces. The rest of the drive is quieter, each of us lost in our thoughts, the desert landscape passing by a reminder of the vast, unpredictable world we navigate—not just on the roads but in our lives with each other.

As the tension from our earlier conversation begins to settle, Ryan glances over at Jennie, a mischievous glint in his eye, signaling his intent to shift the atmosphere back to our usual camaraderie.

"Alright, alright," Ryan starts, breaking the lingering silence, "I've got one for you guys. Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

Jennie, despite her earlier frustration, can't help but bite, her curiosity piqued. "Why?"

SpeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora