Chapter 20

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Our apartment has transformed into mission control as the car meet in Los Angeles looms on the horizon. It's a whirlwind of ideas, pizza boxes, and the relentless buzz of anticipation. Ryan's pacing, Jennie's sprawled out with her laptop, and Jordan's sketching something that looks halfway between a plan and a masterpiece. The crew's energy is infectious, a reminder that we're in this together, for the music, the thrill, and everything in between.

"Okay, so," I start, leaning against the back of our worn-out couch, "we've got one shot to make 'Purple Palm Trees' the anthem of the meet. Ideas?"

Ryan stops pacing and turns to face us all, his eyes lit with the kind of idea that usually means we're in for something big—or completely out there. "Flash mob," he declares. "Imagine it: right when the meet hits its peak, we get a flash mob going to 'Purple Palm Trees.' It's unexpected, it's bold, and it's something people will remember."

Jennie looks up, her expression a mix of amusement and intrigue. "I love it, but where are we getting a flash mob, Ryan? You planning on teaching everyone the dance moves?"

Jordan chuckles, setting aside his sketchpad. "As much as I'd pay to see that, what about something a bit more... doable? We could set up a few guerrilla listening stations around the meet. Nothing fancy, just a couple of speakers and some QR codes linking to the single. People can listen while they're checking out the cars."

I nod, warming to the idea. "That's good, Jordan. It's low-key but effective. And about the QR codes—maybe we can get them on stickers or something? Hand them out? Stick them places?"

Jennie's already typing away, a small smile on her face. "I'm on it. Custom QR code stickers coming right up. And... ordered. They'll be here tomorrow morning."

The room buzzes with a renewed sense of purpose as we dive deeper into logistics, each of us contributing to the whirlwind of planning. Ryan's back at his laptop, mapping out potential spots for our guerrilla listening stations, while Jordan's discussing with Jennie the best way to get the word out on social media without giving too much away.

As the evening winds down and our plans take shape, I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for this motley crew of mine. "You guys are incredible, you know that?" I say, looking around at the faces of my friends—my family, really. "No matter what happens in LA, I couldn't ask for a better team."

Ryan grins, clapping me on the shoulder. "We've got your back, Zac. Always. Now let's go make some noise in Los Angeles."

The meeting breaks up with laughs and light-hearted jokes, but beneath it all is a current of determination. We're heading into uncharted territory, armed with nothing but our wits, our music, and the unbreakable bond that ties us together. As they leave, the apartment feels too quiet, too still, charged with the echoes of our plans and dreams.

I spend a few moments in the silence, reflecting on the journey that's brought us here—to this precipice, on the verge of something big. With "Purple Palm Trees" as our anthem, we're not just going to a car meet; we're launching a dream, fuelled by passion, friendship, and a little bit of reckless hope.

And as I turn off the lights and head to bed, I can't shake the feeling that no matter what tomorrow brings, we've already won.

A few days before we're set to leave for Los Angeles, the garage becomes our war room once again. Tools and car parts make way for maps and plans. It's not just any car meet we're heading into—it's a convergence, crews from all over the country descending upon Los Angeles. And with the history we have, tensions could run as high as the stakes.

Jordan calls us in, and we gather around, the air thick with a mix of anticipation and caution. "Alright, listen up," Jordan starts, his tone serious, a contrast to his usual easygoing demeanor. "This meet in LA, it's big. Like, really big. And not just for us showing off 'Purple Palm Trees' or for the races. There're crews coming in from everywhere, and not all of them are on friendly terms with us."

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