11. The Armory

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Wooyoung watched as San breathed heavily after fighting off the infected for him. This is the second time he's saved him, but why?

"Thanks for saving my life, again." Wooyoung smiled.

"No problem. No hard feelings anymore, right?" San got up from the floor and shook Wooyoungs hand.

Wooyoung noticed his calloused hands, every single detail of them. They were scarred and bruised, but something about them made Wooyoung feel warm inside. Or it was the heat.

The sweat poured down Wooyoung's forehead, making his hair wet. It was so hot outside, and inside the building it wasn't much better. No air conditioning was something the boys were used to. They had to adapt any way they could.

The armory was in rough condition, but it still seemed unreal and almost futuristic. It was dark, although the small rectangular windows near the ceilings lit the room just enough to see. Thankfully they came during the afternoon, just enough time to get what they needed and head out as soon as possible.

San went to a red button between two large shelves and pressed it, causing the alarm to shut off. It was definitely a good thing he knew his way around here. If not, they probably wouldn't survive it here.

"The ammo storage is just upstairs. This room has been cleared out except for some spare parts and stuff like that." San said.

"Yeah, we came here awhile back to get some supplies. But, that's been a year or so. Today was the first day in a long time where we used up a lot of our ammo supply. The zombies must have heard the commotion last night." Hongjoong shrugged.

"We better hope there's some supplies left. I think there should be. Most of the military moved out from here and into Seoul. They kind of gave up on the rest of the country." Seonghwa added.

"That's pretty fucked up." Mingi said, pretty shocked. He was sure that the military would eventually come back one day, but after Seonghwa said that, no wonder why he hadn't seen any helicopters or vehicles around in the past 6 months.

"We knew it would happen. I did, at least. The infected have taken over basically every part of the country, except for Seoul. It's the most secure place. We want to go there one day, but only whenever we gather enough supplies and maybe find a working vehicle for once. It's about a week journey if we walk all day. And that's not even counting the number of times we have to fight the infected. It's better to find a vehicle." San explained.

Everyone else looked at each other with a glimpse of hope, but they knew deep down it was taking a big risk to travel that far and have enough supplies to support them. But, it was a nice dream.

"Well, it might have been impossible for you guys to do it before WE got here. The more the merrier. And the more people the more chance of surviving. Plus, we are pretty awesome." Yunho giggled.

"That's a plan for another time. For now, let's focus on getting the supplies and getting the hell out of here." Jongho stated.

The boys began walking towards the stairs through the large doors in the back of the room. Wooyoung and San led the group, mostly because Wooyoung wanted to be beside San. He felt safer with him for some reason. Probably just because he knew his way around better.

"Here it is." San said, arriving at the top of the stairs in front of two large doors, identical to the ones they walked through the go to the stairs. Next to the door a small sign read "Ammunition".

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