14. Awkward

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San fell asleep, with Wooyoung still beside him. He fell asleep facing his back. They stayed like this for a few hours, until someone walked in.

"What the hell did I just walk in on..." Yeosang said out loud.

The boys were half awake anyways, so Wooyoung heard him and jumped to sit up in his bed.


"Hey, I mean.. go you! Somehow having a chance to have sex during the end of the world." Yeosang laughed.

"YEOSANG I SWEAR I DID NOT!!!" Wooyoung yelled very loudly.

Pretty soon, the sounds of footsteps came rushing up the stairs.

EVERYONE came to see what was going on.

"Wowww Wooyoung, so you get to have some but I don't?" Mingi said with a jealous tone.

"Oh come on, I didn't want to do laundry today. After you guys are finished I'm gonna come and wash the sheets. That's nasty." Seonghwa sighed.

The rest of boys were shocked at the sight of Wooyoung and San in the same bed together. But, San had enough of the jokes and the laughter.

He stood up and walked to the group of boys. In a strict tone, he said

"What the fuck are you guys looking at? Nothing happened. We both were tired. Stop being assholes and go back to whatever you were doing. Seriously, grow the hell up."

"Okay. Sorry San." Jongho said first, followed by all the boys apologizing and walking away.

San shut the door when they all left, and turned to Wooyoung.

"Jesus. Can't a guy sleep in peace?" He said.

"Great. Now they all think we hooked up." Wooyoung sighed.

"And what exactly is wrong with that?" San said with a slight smirk.

"Um, basically everything. I'm not even gay." Wooyoung lied straight through his teeth.

"Yeah sure, but it's just a rumor they'll talk about. Both of us know it's not true. What's the problem?" San laughed.

"Fine. If you say that it's not a big deal then I'll take your word for it. But still, I want to reiterate that if someone mentions it to you, shut it down. I'll do the same. I should have known better than to let you sleep in my bed." Wooyoung said, annoyed.

"Oh please. You know you slept like a baby. I heard you snore like a grandpa." San giggled.

"No I did not!!" Woo punched him in the arm.

"Mhm. I was the one who heard it, you were asleep."

"Shut up San."

"Never." He replied, looking straight into Wooyoung's eyes.

I cant even tell if he's flirting or not anymore. I think I should just let it be. If he truly likes me like that, I'll let him make the first move. Wooyoung thought to himself.

San opened the door and let Wooyoung go before him, and followed Woo out while shutting the door behind him. It was just about dinner time, and San was right. Seonghwa was making rabbit again.

When Wooyoung came outside of the house, Mingi and Yunho were there, waiting for him.

"I didn't know you were GAY Wooyoung. You think you know someone." Yunho sarcastically said.

"Yeah for real. I was so in shock." Mingi said.

"Guys, please. I am not gay and I did not have sec with San. Will you leave it be?"

"You realize that we have known you for two years at this point, and you never thought that we weren't suspicious? We already knew your ass was gay AWHILE ago. You don't have to lie." Yunho laughed.

Well shit. I'm clueless I guess. Wooyoung thought.

"Well. If you guys already knew then why didn't you say something? Also, even if I am I still did NOT mess with San like that. He's not even gay I don't think." Wooyoung said.

"We just didn't want to bring it up. We never thought we had to." Mingi shrugged.

"Well now we have confirmed it. And your secrets safe with us. But honestly man, don't sleep in the same bed as a dude if you don't want us to think you guys did something together. It's a terrible sight that's engraved in my mind now." Yunho made a disgusted face.

"Yeah whatever Yunho. Just leave it be okay?" Wooyoung said.

The boys walked together towards the Dining House, where Jongho and Hongjoong were setting the table. Jongho glanced up at Wooyoung and then quickly looked away.

"Guys. I did not have sex with San." Wooyoung stated.

"Okay, if you say you didn't then you didn't. No need to explain yourself to us at this point." Hongjoong smiled.

"Thanks for understanding. I just wanted you guys to know that I'm not even gay or anything like that." Wooyoung said with a nervous tone.

Yunho laughed at Wooyoung's obvious lie and Mingi hit him on the shoulder to shut him up.

"Alright. Even if you were, it makes no difference to us. Just so you know." Jongho said warmly.

"Thanks." Wooyoung said and walked away.

San was outside watching Seonghwa cook the rabbit over the fire. Yeosang sat on the front porch of one of the houses.

Wooyoung walked over to him by himself. Mingi and Yunho left him to it.


"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I don't care if you slept with him or not." Yeosang said.

"Well, for your information I didn't. If I did, wouldn't you think I would have told you if I had feelings for him? Seriously, I did not do anything with him. He was tired so he just decided to crash in my bed because he said it was comfier." Wooyoung explained.

"So...That's it? Damn Wooyoung you definitely could have had an opportunity to get some of THAT," He slightly pointed at San, who was wearing a tight fitted black shirt with cargo pants. Wooyoung couldn't lie and say he didn't look handsome.

"Shush. I don't even know if he's gay,
let alone if he likes me like that." Wooyoung replied.

"Who the hell cares. We are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and you're worried if a guy who VOLUNTARILY slept in the same bed as you is gay. Please be so for real right now. I see the way he looks at you. Don't be so clueless Wooyoung."

"How does he look at me?" Wooyoung asked.

"Puppy dog eyes." Yeosang said with a smile.

"I never noticed."

"Of course you didn't. You don't ever pay attention to ANYTHING do you? Take your chance and go with it." Yeosang made fun of Woo.

"I'll see."

Wooyoung walked over to San, who was cleaning his gun. That only meant that the group was preparing for an outing soon.

"We going out there soon?" Woo asked.

"Yeah, the day after next. Hongjoong knows a place with some good non-perishables. Plus, I think we're gonna go get some new clothes." San said excitedly.

"That's good. It sure beats these raggedy cargo pants and button up." Wooyoung looked down at his clothes.

"Yeah. I'll make sure to give you some style. I'll dress you really well." San smirked.

Okay yeah that's definitely flirting.

"Mhm. You don't seem like you're the type to be a fashionista." Wooyoung replied with a laugh.

"Hey. You'd be surprised." San insisted.

Seonghwa called the boys for dinner from the porch of the Dining House. Wooyoung and San walked together, while San put his arm around Wooyoung.

No way he's not into me.

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