16. Interruption

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The boys began walking back towards home, and things were a little awkward between Wooyoung and San. But they didn't know how to talk about it.

After all, they had just had a pretty intense moment all of a sudden. It was all new to them.

San became frustrated with the fact that he knew he had developed feelings for Wooyoung.

He may not want to admit it, but he truly does find Wooyoung an attractive person with an attractive personality. He just can't help it.

To think that only a few weeks ago San was trying to kill Wooyoung, for something that wasn't even his fault. San decided to try and forget this fact and move forward, hoping to trust Wooyoung and for Wooyoung to trust him.

"Something on your mind?" Wooyoung broke the silence.

"I don't know. Maybe." San shrugged.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Wooyoung replied with a soothing tone.

"Let's not talk about it right now. We can meet in your bedroom when we get back home. A couple hours after the sun goes down. I'd rather not have everyone else knowing." San whispered.

"Alright then. Tonight after sundown. I'll see you there." Wooyoung smiled at the thought that they'd actually be together alone... and at night.
It made Wooyoung feel excited.

Wooyoung was pretty obvious with the fact that he liked San. Yeosang basically already knew about it because he saw the puppy dog eyes Woo gave to San... every single time he saw him.

San on the other hand, he was secretive with his feelings. San was always one to not open up about his feelings or his past. He instead chose to live in the moment.

He was sad when a situation was sad, he was happy when the situation was happy, and he laughed when the situation was funny. He was neutral the rest of the time.

His team knew this and wasn't used to seeing him any other way.

Yet, when he was with Wooyoung, he felt more emotion than he had in years.

Something about him made him feel human again.

The way he smiled, to say he talked, the way he laughed, the way he looked at him....

the list goes on.

"You feeling alright?" Wooyoung interrupted San's trance.

"Yeah.. of course! Why wouldn't I be?" San answered nervously. Yet, it's like Wooyoung could read San's mind.

"Thinking about me?" Wooyoung smirked. He knew what he was doing.

San's heart stopped and his stomach began to flutter. He had never been this flustered before.

"Seems like I was right." Wooyoung laughed.

San looked away from him, embarrassed.
"No I wasn't."

"You totally were. You're an awful liar San." Wooyoung laughed again.

The atmosphere took a sudden shift in mood, and everyone fell silent.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa had whispered loudly for everyone to be quiet. No one moved an inch.

All of a sudden, an infected had ran from behind a tree and onto San's back.

Wooyoung moved hurriedly to brutally attack the zombie, San could not get bitten. Not here. Not now.

"ATTACK!" Hongjoong yelled.

The members took out their guns and their extra ammo, lining up to shoot the rabid creatures who looked like they hadn't eaten in years.

Gunshots were heard all around the woods, making even more zombies come rushing towards the group. It was true chaos.

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