13. A Permanent Home

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One week later...

The boys finally settled in and found where they belonged. It was truly fate that brought them together.

Wooyoung and San have become extremely fond of each other, much to everyone else's surprise. Every meal, they sit together and laugh about basically everything. Yeosang noticed how much Wooyoung liked San, he noticed it a little too much.

Yeosang pulled Wooyoung aside after lunch one day, with a curious look on his face.

"Wooyoung, don't laugh at me when I ask you this."

"Uhh, okay. I won't promise you anything though. Depends on the question." Wooyoung chuckled.

"I'm serious." Yeosang said with a straight face.

"All right, all right. I won't laugh I promise."

"Woo.....do you like San?" Yeosang asked seriously.

"Well, yeah I like San. He's a good friend to me even if we had a rough start." Wooyoung said, cluelessly.

"No, not that...I mean- do you like him as more than a friend?"

"Yeosang don't be stupid. Of course I don't. I haven't crushed on anyone since before the outbreak and I haven't planned on it since it happened. Don't worry." Wooyoung said, with a little doubt in his tone.

Wooyoung honestly didn't know about his feelings toward San. He was very protective of Wooyoung, with a kind and passionate heart. It made Wooyoung feel something he hadn't felt in a long time. But he chose to ignore it.

But Yeosang couldn't know this. No one could. Mingi and Yunho didn't even know Wooyoung was gay, only Yeosang did.

Woo had a couple of boyfriends back in the day, but none of them were serious relationships. He dated for fun mostly. When the outbreak happened and he met Mingi and Yunho, he just decided to keep quiet about his dating life. He never thought he'd actually meet someone during the apocalypse, much less someone who used to vow to kill him.

"Whatever you say Woo, whatever you say." Yeosang shrugged and walked away.

San gestured for Wooyoung to come over to him by the bonfire, and Wooyoung ran with a smile on his face. He had made really good friends with San and there was no bad blood between them anymore. At least, Wooyoung hoped so.

When Wooyoung finally reached San, San put his arm around his shoulder and ruffled his hair like an older brother would. San's bicep wrapped around Wooyoung's neck and squeezed, making Wooyoung melt inside a little. He was so strong and so unbelievably handsome sometimes he couldn't help but to crumble at San's touch.

"I'm glad you decided to stay here Wooyoung, and I'm glad we can be friends. You're an amazing friends to have." San said, looking at Wooyoung, blushing.

Did he really have to say the word "friend" so many times? Way to kill the mood.

"Thanks San. You are pretty amazing too." Wooyoung smiled softly.

It was a cloudy afternoon, and the firelight made their faces glow. Wooyoung took a longer-than-normal look at San once again, showing his soft skin and his perfect face. San noticed the way Wooyoung looked at him, and he smiled at the thought that he might have been actually admiring him. Maybe just a coincidence he thought.

Undead's Embrace.  (Woosan)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat