Part 6: I Seem Strange

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The only thing I saw was a bright light. A big vast open space of white. "H-hey!" My own voice resounded in the open space. "Jonathan, put that down," I saw a patch of pavement and where the weapons were lined up. I remember this... "Oh come on Lynn, what's the hurt in having a little fun?!" He started pretending to shoot things while looking through the scope. "We have work to do," I took the gun away from him and set it back down. He gave me a pout and I went to walk away. "Plleeasse!" He had tugged on my wrist. "Please what?" I turned. I felt guilty all of a sudden... Why didn't I just give him what he wanted instead of being a hardass? "Lynn, come on we've been working all of our lives for something we know nothing about! Let's have some fun! Just for a bit?" He tilted his head cutely, his clear blue eyes shimmered. I turned back around. I remember it so clearly. It felt different watching it happen. "..okay, fine, we can play tag with them ONCE, but after that it's-"
"Yeah yeah, 'Back to work we go'," I smiled as he mocked my usual words. "Okay I'll take this side!" I saw us splitting up to play our small game of tag. A secret we only shared. It was ours.
Thank you Jonathan.
"E-eh. Lynn?.....Lynn?" I felt a gentle tug. Take me back.. "No.." I whimpered as I sat up. "H-hey, are you alright?" I felt someone sit on the bed as I rubbed my eyes furiously. My cheeks were wet an my eyes felt puffy. It was Kaneki probably. I kept my eyes closed. Jonathan's face still burned underneath my eyelids. Maybe I can just pretend it's him and then I'll open my eyes and he'll be there... I felt a soft fabric on my face and my eyes popped open to not meet Jonathan's crystal blue orbs, but only one grey one. "Wh-what are you doing to me??" I swatted his hand away that held a little soft piece of white material. "Your nose seemed stopped up so I was just helping out," he smiled at me as he withdrew his hand. "Oh.. Well thanks," I said bluntly. "You were crying.." He seemed concerned this time, what's new. "So?" What's so bad about crying? "..Just worried is all. Bad dream?" He tilted his head and I had to look away. Stop Kaneki. "No, it was a great dream," I said looked away. "I understand. Well, either way I brought some coffee and some breakfast foods that you might like," he smiled. So kind.. "What are you my servant?" He laughed sheepishly. "Well I was just worrie-"
"When are you not worried?" I asked bluntly. I took the coffee off the tray but before drinking. "..But I'm glad you do.." It was the truth. It was refreshing to have someone worry about me. He smiled and drank his own coffee. "GAH! H-Hot!" I didn't expect that! Damn that hurt!! "E-eh are you alright?" Kaneki asked, yep you guessed it, concerned. "Yeaaah, just a burn on my tongue is all. You didn't warn me!" I crossed my arms and he laughed. "So, what was your dream about if you don't mind me asking," he asked sipping his coffee. "It's private," I blurted. He nodded in understanding. "Well...I'll strike a deal with you. If you are interested in knowing what it was about. I will trade my dream for you to let me see your eye," I proposed. I could always lie and tell him my dream was about coffee or puppies or something. He couldn't. He sat in thought for a little while and then raised his hand to remove his eyepatch. I almost dropped my cup. Oh wow it worked. Showing me something so personal just to hear about my dream? He looked up and the sun hit his grey eye again but the other was filled with black and a small red orb lay at the middle. I scooted closer. Close enough to where I could see every detail in the eye. "U-uh.. Lynn," he shifted uncomfortably. "Sorry, was just curious. It's so different," I set my cup down. "Aren't there others like you?" He looked a little better now that I had put some distance between us. "We're very very rare," he looked so ashamed. "Kaneki, don't be ashamed of what you are. If this happened to you then it happened for a reason. You should embrace it and use it to your advantage," okay so maybe I was getting a little closer to him. I just felt that I owed him for his trust in me I guess. "Ashamed? I'm not ashamed Lynn. I',"
"Come on out with it.." I ushered. "I'm scared of it," He admitted. "So you're scared of yourself?" I confirmed. He nodded. "Who wouldn't be? I could kill people. I'm Dangerous," he set his cup down now. "Shut up," he looked up confused at what I said. "Don't go pulling that 'I'm too dangerous for my own good' bull. Kankei, you are you. You lived through it all right? Well that proved that you're strong enough to control it! No matter what you choose. You never have to kill people. Just learn how to control it," I smiled at him patted his shoulder roughly. "...Lynn it's different," I was about to protest because that sounded ignorant but he smiled. "Though I'm glad you said that. It feels nice to be around an optimistic person," he sighed in relief and I smiled slightly back. "No problem!" I picked up one of the things to eat. Okay I was pretty hungry. It had a sweet smell and was round with a hole in the middle. "It's a doughnut," he laughed a little, probably at my expression. "A doughnut?," I tried it and he looked a little happy and expectant to see my reaction. "Meh. It's okay," he jaw dropped. "B-but, they're doughnuts!! You have to love doughnuts!" He picked one up and took a nibble. "They're good I guess I just don't love them," I shrugged. He picked up the next thing on the tray. "You have to love this!!" He put it up to my mouth and I grabbed it from him. "So what is it?" It smelled sweet like the doughnut. "It's a little breakfast roll from the bakery next door," he must really be into sweets. "Hm, okay," I took a bite and instantly perked up. "Do you love it?" I couldn't resist. "I love it!" I took another bite and was almost full. My appetite is probably shit right now with all that's happened. The door to the room slid open to reveal Yoshimura. "Time to get to work! Also, Tsukiyama is here, requesting to see you," I felt Kaneki tense up. "It would be a good idea if Lynn got acquainted with everyone as well," Yoshimura smiled and closed the door. "So you know this Tsukiyama pretty well eh?" I didn't really know what to talk about. I really didn't care about meeting people, no matter who they are. Though I don't really want to complain to Kaneki, he seems too happy and I like it. "Um, yeah he's into books like me and seems like a pretty nice guy.. It's just.." He seemed uncomfortable. "Is he human or a ghoul,"
"A ghoul," he confirmed. "Well he wouldn't want to eat you right?" I asked. "I doubt that! He just seems, eerie," he shivered and I chuckled. "Maybe it's just me," I got up and stretched as I looked outside. "Instinct never lies. You should trust your gut," it was pretty outside and he seemed surprised. "Uh, I haven't thought about it that way," he scratched his head on thought. "That's because you're too busy being nice and polite," I blurted. "Hehe, well here. These are clothes, some of Toukas," he handed me a neatly folded stack of clothes. They were decent. "Thank you, um, I guess I'll meet you down there," I smiled and went to go use a shower. "Yeah see you down there!" He walked out of the room and shut the door lightly. It's really getting easier to talk to him. I don't know if that's bad or good but either way it feels nice. I walked into the clean bathroom and looked at all of the knobs and the round tub. Ours were somewhat different but this shouldn't be too difficult. I got in under the running water. Freezing cold, how I liked it. I slept hard and I wasn't as weak as yesterday, so hopefully my enchantments will spring back. My senses were coming alive again. I could smell better and hear even the conversations downstairs.. Kankei, Touka, Yoshimura was in another room, writing I think. Touka was carrying something. I held my head, it hurt and I wasn't used to being this way. I feel helpless somewhat. So stupid. I washed my aching body. There was another voice I didn't recognize. That must be Tsukiyama or whatever his name is. I couldn't pick up an aura from him from this distance yet. I rinsed my hair and stepped out. I blinked my eyes, and everything I saw was ten times better than before. At least it's coming back quickly. I dried of and got dressed while my hair dried within about five minutes. I smelled the coffee and smiled. Kaneki. Gah, what am I doing? Sitting here thinking about coffee and a flower boy and just, meh. I felt my face flush. What the hell? Was it the atmosphere of this place? Why was I acting so different??

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