Part 7: Bad vibes

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I walked down the stairs and immediately got each aura from everyone in the room. I'm glad my senses are getting back to normal. Kaneki was sitting with a tall figure with purple hair and eyes to match. That must be him. Kanekis aura was unique, most likely because of the half ghoul half human situation. Touka's was darker, as expected and somewhat thin. I didn't get much feeling from the random customers. So they are humans. Their aura is less intense than ghouls it seems. Then his, Tsukiyama's aura was...Threatening. An aura is something only we can see, or I guess me now. It's not able to be put into words. It's not a color really or and sound necessarily. It's an innate, primal instinct that I get around each person. Some are stronger than others, and they are all different. This guy was bad news. I didn't like it one bit. He wasn't here to visit, he was here to hunt. I understood it immediately. "Ah, and who might this be?" His voice, laced with authentic sincerity, though his aura change told me he was lying underneath it all. Kaneki was about to answer but I beat him to it. "Lynn," I simply said dominantly. Why was I so territorial? What am I caring about so much? "A very unique name. I am Tsukiyama Shuu-"
"I know." I interrupted bluntly and he smiled, a Fake of course, but it seemed to work for Kaneki.. "I'm glad you two are acquainted!" I was still starting intensely at Tsukiyama. "You already know me?" He smiled wider and let out a laugh. "Why of course you do! I am Of course a very good friend of Kaneki-kuns!" I could hear the insides of his body churn, he wanted to eat Kaneki. He really wanted to eat Kaneki. Strange. I never knew the feeling was so innate. "I'm sure you'll be looking after him then," I nodded. "Why of course! I could offer you the same. Any friend of Kanekis is a friend of mine as well," I could sense he shifted towards me and inhaled slightly, but then sniff was long. He was trying to seem normal.. And now his stomach growled. He was hungry and now he had my scent. "Nah, I can't take care of myself," I declined. He only smiled, squinting. Probably at my smell. I don't think I really smelled like the people here just yet. "I must be going," he stood, we still starred at each other and Kanekis aura became thin, as if nervous. "I'll see you two around! Kaneki-Kim, please bring her on one of our outings!" He nodded towards each of us and left with a grin. His aura bright. "He's right! Lynn, would you like to come with me next time I meet up with Tsukiyama?" Kankei snapped me out of my thoughts. This was very interesting. "..I don't see the harm in me coming. Tsukiyama Shuu is a very interesting character." I sat down in his seat. "Yes he is! He likes the same books as I and he is very easy to talk to!"
Kaneki went on about him and Touka added her two cents on why not to trust him. What would happen if he tried to eat me? The thought excited me. He wouldn't get too far. Killing my first ghoul. I need to stop. I can't get too far ahead of myself and feed my bloodlust too much. "Lynn?" Kaneki said. "What do you want?" I was annoyed but kind of grateful that he took my mind out if the dark place. "You never told me about that dream of yours!" He propped his head on his hand, now ignoring my naturally blunt cold nature. He's not as soft as he seems. "Ah, I guess I didn't.." I looked out of the window. "Kaneki." I heard Toukas firm voice call from behind the counter. "Breaks over. Get to work," She wiped down the counter. "Ah! You're right! Tell me later Lynn!" He got up and went behind the counter where she was. "You too," She threw a mop and bucket full of water my way. "What do you expect me to do with this?" I asked annoyed. "Mop the damn floor already," she wasn't such a bad boss, just a bitch. I was kind of getting used to Touka though. She seemed strong and determined. Why am I admiring her? Wouldn't I do anything to fight with her again? To throw this mop down dash over the counter and- "Get to work already!" She said angrily. I only dipped the mop in the bucket and scrubbed the floor after that. I looked up and met eyes with Kaneki and he looked back down at the coffee he was serving to a few customers. What was he looking at? Was mopping a floor something interesting here? Whatever. I went back to mopping diligently. It had been a little while and the shop was now closed. I heard a knock at the door. "I guess I'll get-" but Touka beat me to it. "Welcome!" She stopped. "Hinami! Ryouko!" She let them in quickly. Who were they?? "Kaneki! Get some dry towels now!" He nodded and hastily got a few. The mother had brown hair and gentle brown eyes. Her daughter had the exact same with a shorter haircut. She looked very scared. Their auras were strong, they must be ghouls. "Are you two okay?" Touka seemed to care a lot about them. "How are you Hinami?" She asked cheerfully but the young girl only buried her head in her mothers arm. Poor girl. I wonder what happened.. "What happened?" Touka flashed me a glare. "Get back to work." I just ignored her and sluggishly went back to mopping. They sure do know some people. Hinami and her mother Ryouko must be in the 20th ward too. I stole a few glances at them. Ryouko might look gentle, but her aura tells me she's possesses remarkable strength. "Who...Who is that?" A meek voice called from behind the motherly figure. "Himani! Don't be rude," her mother chided softly. "Ah, it's alright actually! I am Lynn," I nodded. "I'm H-Hinami!" She stepped out of her comfort zone slightly. "What a lovely name. It's great to meet you miss Hinami," I smiled softly down at her and she seemed to relax a bit. Touka took the two upstairs and Kaneki went to bring them some coffee. "Lynn, good going with Hinami! She seems to like you!" He hummed, collecting the cho for the said girl. "You think so? She seems nice," it had been raining for a while and I looked out at the atmosphere. "Have you been around children?" He asked merrily. "Just one. He was a defiantly just a child," I put the mop and bucket up in the closet Touka took it from. "I see, you'll have to tell me more later! I'll be right back!" He smiled and made his way up the stairs. I wonder if the weather affects Kanekis mood. Even on a gloomy day like this he can smile and seem just as upbeat as ever. Strange, and annoying... What should I do now? There's no one down here... I looked towards the exit. There's no one down here...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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