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After the Game launch ceremony, Lee Young Joon is so proud and happy that he had impressed Kim Mi So with his presentation. He reached his Lee Tex office with Self Esteem overloaded in his face and mind. He saw Park Eun Bin waiting for him in his cabin. Elegantly dressed up in suits, she is no less than any Businessman in Seoul. "I heard that press people again indicated the marriage topic again today. Hope we will make them stop these gossips soon!" - she smiled at him. They planned to have lunch after the ceremony and left the office together after having some important discussions - both official and personal. As they walk in the aisle towards the lift, everyone in the office looked at them without even blinking. They couldn't gather any gossip incident, so everyone is disappointed. But still, the hot topic for the day is - Lee Young Joon and Park Eun Bin met and headed out together.


Kim Mi So parked the vehicle in front of the restaurant that Bong Se Ra had mentioned. "You could have openly told me that you missed your boyfriend badly" - Kim Mi So giggled at her friend as they have arrived at the restaurant - PEPPER PEAK owned by Yang Cheol, Bong Se Ra's boyfriend.

Yang Cheol came outside and hugged Bong Se Ra with a surprised look. He welcomed them inside. As they are seated, he took the order himself even though he is the Head Chef as well as the owner. He wanted to treat his girlfriend specially. They ordered Black Bean Noodles along with some chicken dishes. He went to prepare everything by himself with No help from other cooks. Meanwhile, Kim Mi So went to the restroom. Bong Se Ra noticed something worth the day. Yes, It's Lee Young Joon and Park Eun Bin entering inside the Restaurant. This might be their secret meeting place.

PEPPER PEAK is situated in the outskirts of the Seoul City. Only those who want to ditch the city people and feel some calmness visit this place. Also, this restaurant is famous among Rich People and Celebrities who treat this restaurant as a hideout-food-consuming-venue. Important thing is pre-booked seats are only available. Press evasion is strictly prohibited. This is the safest option for Media-avoiding-couples.

Bong Se Ra, jaw-dropped, saw them till they seat in their places. Lee Young Joon noticed her but did not mind her much as he knew that she is Yang Cheol's girlfriend. To his surprise, Kim Mi So returned to her place which is right opposite to his place. Kim Mi So saw Lee Young Joon and Park Eun Bin seated in a table facing each other. Her heart skipped a beat as she encountered the rumour with her own eyes. Lee Young Joon smiled at her as he thought that he had impressed her in the morning with his presentation, but she did not smile back, instead showed a millisecond-fast grin in her face. That killed his self-confidence. "Did I do anything wrong?" - with deep thoughts in his mind, Lee Young Joon forgot that a waiter had been standing there for ages. Park Eun Bin ordered Veg Salad along with some mixed veg smoothies whereas Lee Young Joon lost appetite and ordered "A cold coffee, as her heart". Waiter got confused - "pardon sir?". Lee Young Joon said "A cold cappuccino please!". Waiter took the order and left. "Are you okay?" - with much concern, Park Eun Bin asked. He said "nothing" and smiled mildly.

Seeing the consistent conversation made her anger overwhelm. The food arrived in perfect timing. She hurriedly ate noodles, chicken, little bit of kimchi, everything she could dump. Food can divert her from any disaster. She got hiccups. While she tried to take some water, little bit of sauce sprinkled on her dress. Bong Se Ra got up to help her, but she told her to continue having food. While seeing this chaos, Yang Cheol, who is preparing a special dessert for his girlfriend, sent his friend Kang Tae Oh who is also a Head Chef to look into the matter and help them if anything is needed. Kim Mi So turned to her right to go to restroom to cleanup, while Kang Tae Oh arrived just in time and is about to clash her. They managed to avoid hitting each other's face but Kim Mi So Slipped. He grabbed her left hand with his right hand. She managed to keep her balance and took the help of his other hand also to stand properly. Encountering all this, Lee Young Joon turned his cold coffee into burning Cappuccino. The view of them holding hands made it feel like Bride and Groom hold hands in Marriages.

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