XI) The Dreams

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Still confused, me and Peter started discussing ideas on what the dream could mean with the rest of the group, since all demigod dreams always come true in some way or another, they were dumbfounded too.

Then Annabeth suggested a plan.

"What if you just, oh, I don't know, go back to sleep?" She said in a 'duh' tone, yep that's definitely Annabeth.

We all agreed to do that so everyone gathered around us as we laid down, if I'm being honest, it was stressful, falling asleep in front of so many people watching you.

We opened the back part of the van so Peter and I could lay there comfortably, and we soon drifted off.

I was in a hall way, like school? When I saw Annabeth, Piper, Rachel and Calypso walk by, Piper seemed less sad, they were walking and laughing as they talked when suddenly this ugly meat head decided to grab Annabeth's hand.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked, striding with confidence.

"You back for round two?" Annabeth asked like the badass she is.

"You're funny, I was just caught off guard last time. But since Prissy isn't here I could do what ever I want." He smirked.

She flinched a little but it happened so quickly I can't tell if it really happened.

Now everyone's attention was on them.

She tried walking away with the girls but he grabbed my hand. Again. How is this dude not arrested for assault by now?

"Get your hand off me." She growled menacingly.

"What're you gonna do sweetheart, you're little boyfriends not here to protect you." He said with a mocking pout.

He tried pulling me her closer.

She shot a nasty left hook that connected to his nose, his grasp on her faltered as he clutched his broken nose and immediately gave him an uppercut with her right hand. He was on his butt now, looking like an idiot.

"I said don't touch me." She said angrily.

He started to get up but I hit him? I thought I was in a dream how did it happen, as I watched the situation unfold all I felt was anger, so I hit him making him land back on his butt.

"You fucking whore, you broke my nose!" He yelled but it was no use, because she ran out of the school. Of course her friends chased after her.

"Hey Annie, are you okay." Piper asked.

"I'm fine."


"Don't call me that!" She yelled then quickly apologized, "Sorry,"

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Piper asked while the rest of them stood around her patting her back.

"I- he broke up with me too." She said looking defeated.

She started crying and Piper pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know, you should've said something."

"I didn't want to. I wanted to forget him." She said in-between sobs.

They all patted her back until she stopped and they decided to just ditch school all together.

They walked to get Ice cream. While walking, I seemed slightly better, slightly.

While walking Rachel suddenly stopped. They all looked at her confused but immediately understood. She stood there, her head tilted up and green smoke came out her mouth.

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