XV) The Traveller?

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Continued from The Other Camp chapter 24, The Attack.

They blacked out, when they awoke again they all had a cut on their arm.

It was a vertical cut, not too long but not short either. It was not too deep so you couldn't bleed out from it. It just hurt like hell.

"What the hell?!" Leo yelled, trying to move his arms and legs.

They were tied up.

Luke stood ominously next to the tomb, he dragged the demigods one by one with the help of Hypnos and Ethan.

He grabbed their arm, forcing blood out of their cut and onto the sleeping man.

When they reached Percy they became hesitant.

"I think these are enough." Luke said, looking at Percy warily.

"Then why did you cut him?" Hypnos asked.

Luke just shrugged.

They all looked into the tomb expectantly.

"The gods will fall!" Luke yelled.

There was a thundering boom. Even if Zeus is asleep, the dude can still make it thunder with the right words. What a drama queen.

In the darkness they saw a man awaken, the golden box illuminated his skin showing a silhouetted figure.

The man grabbed onto Luke, "I don't like this body!" He yelled at a flinching Luke.

"W- what can I do for you my lord?" He asked warily.

It was dark but the group saw a wicked smile play across the man's face, his pearly whites glinting.

"Give me yours."

The man suddenly collapsed.

Luke now had those infamous golden eye where his scar ran down his face.

"It's good to be back!" The voice yelled.

The others knelt at the revival of their lord.

"I've waited too long." Kronos said, his eyes gleaming in the darkness.

"Allas, I cannot kill you yet." He said.
"But I can hurt you." He grinned manically.

He grabbed backbiter and it immediately turned into a scythe.

He walked over to Percy, "I will be in power once again." He stated.

With a hungry look in his eyes, he pressed the scythe into Percy's arm.

Then he noticed the ring.

"That ring, where did you get it from?" He asked.

When Percy didn't respond he pushed the scythe deeper into his arm. He felt immense pain but refused to spill.

His jaw clenched as Kronos applied more pressure.

"Percy just tell him!" Annabeth yelled.

His arm was dripping with blood as the others watched horrified.

"Hmm." Kronos said amused.

He held Percy's limp arm trying to pull off the ring.

He frowned as it wouldn't come off.

He grabbed onto his scythe again, he held it up.

The others could only sit there and do nothing as they realised what Kronos wanted to do.

Percy flinched as Kronos brought down his scythe upon Percy's finger but the ring protected him to his and everyone's delight.

Kronos cursed as his plan failed but maintained a smirk.

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