Chapter 1

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"Hey, Mijoo, wake up NOW", is all I hear faintly as the sound got louder and louder, feeling my body being shaked viciously, back and forth. I slowly opened my eyes and realized my roommate, Yuqi, was trying to wake me up in a hurry.

"YAH, GONG MIJOO IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR BUTT UP RIGHT NOW YOUR GOING TO BE LATE" my roommate yelled in a very rough tone.

I looked at my roommate with shocking eyes, wondering why she was trying to wake me up. I grabbed my phone to check the time.


I ripped the blanket off myself and dashed quickly to the bathroom, hearing my roommate cackling in the distance.

In the bathroom, I picked up my work clothes lying on the sink that I had left there just in case I would wake up late. I threw on my work clothes, brushed my teeth and hair at the same time, but that didn't work out so I asked her roommate if she could brush my hair while I brushed my teeth, and thankfully she said yes.

After brushing my hair and teeth, I put on deodorant. I checked the time and realized it was 2:50 p.m.


"I'M LATEEE." I yelled as I rushed out of the bathroom.

I grabbed my bag and ran out the door, slamming it hard, probably shaking the whole dorm room and the others next to it.

I ran down the hallway to the elevator, but it was taking too long, so I decided to take the stairs.

After running down the staircase, I ran through the front door. I ran over to my scooter, kicked the kickstand up, started the engine, and drove off as fast as I could, hoping I would make it in time.

While speeding on my scooter, I checked the time again.

"Shit" I said, I was already late once, and I can't be late again.

It's 2:58 p.m. and I was 4 minutes away from my job, and my shift started at 3, so I pushed the gas harder, determined to make it on time, but I was still late. I parked my scooter and ran towards the cafe doors.

I rushed into the cafe, slamming open the door and out of breath. I looked up to see a couple of people murmuring at me like I was crazy while also seeing my coworkers laughing at me.

I got embarrassed and covered my face, walking fast-paced past all the people that looked at me weirdly.

I walked behind the counter and hit both of my coworkers in the arms. They both yelled 'OW', which got more people to stare at us weirdly. They both stare at me with angry faces, and I just shyly giggled at them.

"Guess who's late again?" Soobin chuckled. I smacked him on the arm again.

"YAH" he yelled, "It's not my fault you're late again" he says, rubbing his arm.

"Well if you stop teasing her, maybe she will stop hitting you all the time" chuckled Chaeyoung.

I high fived Chaeyoung while laughing at Soobin as he pouted his lips at us, only making us laugh even more.

We finished laughing, and I and Chaeyoung apologized to him. He accepted our apology and walked away to take a customer's order.

I walked to the back to put my stuff on the rack , grabbed my apron , tied it around my waist, and then walked out back to the counter.

I started talking to Chaeyoung as she was making an order for a customer.

"So how is it with you and Mina?" I asked Chaeyoung with interest.

"It's going great, we took a walk in the park and saw the most beautiful sunset. We even took pictures, you wanna see them" she asked.

"Um, yeah, I do," I said excitedly.

"What are you two talking about, I wanna see," Soobin said as he walked up to us.

"Are you always this nosy?" I asked him, and he just gave me a 'are you serious' look.

"You know I have to know everything that goes on in your guy's life," Soobin said as I just laughed in his face. Soobin was getting annoyed at me, but I didn't care, not one bit.

"Why are you like this," Soobin states, which caught my attention, and I started talking back.

As me and Soobin were bickering at each other, the door opened, and a customer walked in. We both stopped bickering, and I looked over Soobin's shoulder to welcome the customer. When I looked over his shoulder, I was not expecting to see what I saw and froze in shock.

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