Chapter 2

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I was in aw, I saw the most mesmerizing man I've ever seen. He had medium dark blue hair with some strands hanging in front of his face, which made me notice his brown eyes, his slim nose, and baby face that made him look so innocent. I wished I could stare at his face all day.

As he walked up to us, I got out of the shock I was in and walked around Soobin to go to the customer.

He flashed a smile at me, and I noticed that he had a gummy smile that was so adorable and could literally brighten up anyone's day.

But I had to snap back into reality when he waved his hand in front of my face. I didn't even realize I was staring at him.

"Oh, sorry about that. What can I get for you?" I asked nervously to the lovely mysterious man.

The man spoke, "Can I get a grande iced latte with 3 pumps of vanilla and chocolate cake, please?"

I nervously typed in his order.

Why is this man making me this nervous?

"And the name for the order, sir?" I made sure to smile brightly.

"Han," he said in a calm tone.

I wrote his name on the cup as neatly as possible and told him he could sit wherever he liked as I flashed a sweet smile at him. He smiled back and went to find a table.

When I had turned around to make his order, Chaeyoung and Soobin were giving me the 'Oooo, somebody's got crush' look, and I just flicked their head and went to make his order.

As I was making his order, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I looked to the side and saw the mystery man staring at me, then looked away when I caught him looking at me.

I started to get nervous and almost dropped his drink on the ground, but I caught it just in time.

After making his drink, I go to grab his chocolate cake from the glass case, then put it on a tray with the drink.

"HAN" I yelled, but making sure it wasn't too loud.

He looked over, smiled, got up, and walked over to the counter to grab his stuff. When he was getting his stuff, he looked up at me and smiled brightly, and I smiled back, blushing but not very noticeable, not to him at least.

When I turned around, Soobin was wiggling his eyebrows at me looking like a maniac.

"Somebody's blushing," he said in a singing tone. I rushed over to hit him on the arm again. He angrily stares at me.

"Can you stop hitting me! My arm is getting bruises," he stated while pouting.

"Nope, maybe if you stop teasing me all the time, then maybe I would stop," I said proudly with my chest.

He got angry and started to walk away to get a customer's order.

I looked back over at him and saw him laughing at himself. I mentally cursed myself while rubbing my head, making Soobin laugh. He later regretted it and went to take a customer's order to avoid my wrath.

After a while, I noticed that the man had gotten up and was about to walk out the door, so I decided to speak up.

"Have a nice day, sir." He smiled and waved goodbye to me as I started to uncontrollably smile.

Han's POV

I was sitting in my dorm playing games on my phone and the more I played the more bored I got, so I decided to go for a walk. I told the boys I was going out and then walked out of the dorm room.

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