Chapter 4

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I walked into my room, grabbed my PJs from my drawer, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.


After about 15 minutes, I got out of the shower, dried off, and put on my pajamas. I opened the door, walked out the door and went into my room to put my clothes in the basket, then walked out to the living room, seeing Soojin and Yuqi sitting on the carpet on their phone waiting for me.

"It's about time you finished," Yuqi said in a sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes.

Soojin slapped her arm, and Yuqi rubbed her arm after she got hit. I apologized to her for taking too long, and Yuqi accepted the apology.

"Ok girls, what do you wanna talk about??" Soojin asked.

"Well, today I took a walk in the park with Minnie and ate some food with her then...." Yuqi went on with what she did today, which was pretty interesting, like having a dog chase and having hot soup spilled on you is crazy.

"Yeah, and that pretty much happened today, very crazy."

"Wow, that must have been crazy. Are your legs okay?" Soojin asked.

"Yeah, I mean the soup was hot, but it wasn't that hot," she explained.

"Oh ok, good, at least you're ok," Soojin smiled while holding her hand.

"Anyways, Mijoo, did anything interesting happen today??" Yuqi questioned her.

"Oh yeah, well, today I chased Soobin around for teasing me," I stated proudly.

"Of course you would do something like that," Yuqi said jokingly.

"He deserves it. Anyway, I met this guy today, " I said shyly.

Both Yuqi and Soojin looked at me with wide eyes, "TELL US MORE," they yelled while getting up in my face.

"Ok, ok, ok, back up a little." They backed down and sat in excitement.

"Ok, so, this guy came into the cafe today, and he was so cute. He had the most beautiful dark blue hair. Oh, don't get me started on his facial features, he kinda looked like a chipmunk, and I just wanted to pinch his cheeks. He had a gummy smile that had me floating in the air. AND I SWEAR TO GOD that he kept looking at me when I was making his drink, " I said, gesturing a 'mind blown' with my hands.

"Someone sounds madly in love," Soojin said, winking at me.

"Wait, you didn't hear the best part, though," I said, which caught both of their attention.

"After he left the cafe, I went to clean his table, and he left me a NOTE," they looked at me in shock.

"Well, WHERE'S THE NOTE!!" They both yelled at me.

I realized, then got up and ran to my room. I went through my clothes basket, grabbed my pants that I had worn to work and checked the pockets, and pulled the note out from my pocket.

I ran back to the living room and showed them the note. They read the note and looked back up at me. I was confused why they were looking at her like that.

(The note just in case you forgot shawty😉)

I hope we meet again soon.
P.S. You look cute when you're nervous
-H.J ;)

"OH... MY... GODDDDDDD. THIS IS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!" They said at the same time.

"Yeah, I know, I hope I see him again," I said while thinking about him.

"Wait, do you know his name?" Soojin asked.

I was shocked, I didn't get his name except he said a name for his order.

"Well, he said a name for his order, I think it was Han, if I remember correctly," I explained to them.

"I just can't believe that someone actually thinks you're cute. I mean, it's been a while since someone asked you out or said you're cute." Yuqi said with a little excitement and nervousness in her voice, thinking she was going to get hit on the arm by Soojin.

I looked at them, "Yeah, it’s been a while, but I've been stuck doing my schoolwork and working that I never really thought about dating someone."

Yuqi and Soojin looked at each other and then looked back at me.

"Well, how about this? Why don't we go to a restaurant or a bar after exams in a couple of weeks." Soojin suggested, the both of them smiled and nodded their heads excitedly.

"And maybe Mijoo will find her a man or meet the man from the cafe." Soojin said, nudging me in the shoulder.

"Okay, this is getting out of hand, I'm going to bed now." I shook my head and got up to go to my room.

"Wait, don't go, we just started talking," is all I heard as I closed my door.

I walked to my bed, laid down, and checked my phone to make sure to set my alarm for the test tomorrow. As I was trying to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about the man I saw today. Just thinking about him made me blush.

Stop it, Mijoo, you have a test tomorrow!

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