Chapter 11

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A/N- Soooo, I decided to change the POV of the story because it's easier for me to write. Sorry for the sudden switch up. It's just easier for me to be more descriptive.


While laying down on the couch trying to fall asleep, someone just had to come and interrupt my peace. I don’t know who hopped on the couch, but I’m guessing it was Soojin.

“Mijoo-ah, are you still awake.”

“Not anymore. What do you want?” I said with my eyes still closed.

“I wanna see the text messages.”

I opened my eyes to see Soojin, not really a surprise. I deeply sighed, grabbed my phone, and handed it to her. I scooted up a bit so I could lay on her lap as she read the text messages.

“Hmm” is all I heard Soojin say before she handed me back my phone.

I was weirded out by that because she usually would be the most excited about it. I got up off her lap and gave her a weird look.

“That’s all you have to say,” I said, scratching my head.

She looked over at me and started laughing at me. I was completely dumbfounded with the whole situation.

“I was just joking with you. I think he’s a keeper, like dating material,” she said, nudging my shoulder.

I went from dumbfounded to not being able to contain my smile. She started laughing hard at me as I hid my face with my hair. She tried removing my hair from my face, but I wouldn’t let her. I got up off the couch and went to my room to avoid Soojin teasing. On my way to my room, I ended up bumping into Yuqi, making Soojin laugh hard.

“You good, Mijoo?” Yuqi, while looking at me weirdly.

I just gave her a thumbs up and rushed into my room. I slammed to the door behind me and jumped on my bed. I covered my face with my pillow and closed my eyes. Now, it seems like every time I close my eyes, I see him. My door opened, and I felt someone jump on top of me. It was probably Soojin.

“Ohh, so now you're dreaming about him now, huh?” Soojin teased me as I continued to cover my face with the pillow.

It took a couple of minutes before Soojin got off of me. I was relieved when she did. I could finally breathe, but then she snatched my phone and ran out the door. I didn’t even care at this point, I was too tired to even get up. I shut my eyes before I went to work, I knew one of the girls would wake me up. I hope.

Before I knew it, it was already time to go to work. I guess I wasn't that tired then. I got out of bed and got dressed for work. I didn’t want to go to work, but one thing made me wanna go.

Mr. Chipmunk

The more I think about it, the more I want time to go by faster so I can get to work faster. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked to see if Soojin did anything to my phone. Everything seemed normal, so I got ready to leave for work.

I walked out of my room and out the front door.


I got into work expecting to see him, but there was no sign of him. I walked behind the counter and put my stuff in the back. I put on my apron and walked back to the counter. I think Soobin and Chaeyoung noticed something was going on, but they didn’t ask.

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