Chapter 5

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So, I came up with something to help me mark which comments I've read and recorded. If I like your comment, I've read it, and it's counted. Just a heads up. Enjoy reading!!

November 2
12:00 am

Ryder, Shade, Rory, Wildcat

"Coral tried to kill me!" Wildcat exclaimed. He looked back at his hind left leg. "I think she got me pretty good".

Rory looked Wildcat over with the help of Ryder's light. "Found it". Rory pointed to a laceration on Wildcat's leg. "It looks really bad".

Ryder bent down to observe the wound.

"That does look bad. I wish I had bandages with me". Ryder searched his pockets but found nothing.

His flashlight glinted off something on the floor. He shone his light and inhaled sharply.

"What"? Wildcat looked over his shoulder, worry in his tone.

Ryder picked up a knife from the floor, blood coating the tip.

"There's something else too". Shade picked up a syringe and a piece of paper folded up.

Ryder took the two items and sat down, his back against the wall.

"I wonder if Coral dropped this". Ryder unfolded the paper and began reading the typed note.

Dear Reader,

Regardless of you find him alive or not, you're too late. I have formulated an injectable poison specifically for this cause. No matter what you do, you won't be able to save him. If he is alive, the poison kills within a matter of minutes. I am not the only one striving for this cause. There are at least three of us. We are as clueless as you about the identities of the the rest. When we find the rest, our plan is complete and we are will be unstoppable.

Ryder looked up at the cats.

"I'm...dying?" Wildcat whispered. "What about Wild? I can't leave him alone"!

Rory hugged Wildcat, tears forming in her eyes.

"You can't die! Who will lead the Cat Pack"?!

Ryder looked down at the paper again.

"There's something added at the bottom in pen".

I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to be noticed. But not like this. I'm in too far. There's no escape. Find them. So no one else hasn't to suffer. --Coral.

"She never wanted this," Ryder said. "She never meant for this to happen". He looked up at the cats, determination written in eve crease in his face. "We have to find them all. We don't know how many there are, but we must find them all".

Shade and Rory nodded.

"Find them for me," Wildcat said. "But please go now".

"What"?! Rory turned her head to him. "No! We're not leaving you"!

Wildcat laid a gentle paw on her shoulder, tears beginning to fall out of his eyes as he smiled.

"Please, Rory. I...I don't want you to watch me suffer".

Rory locked eyes with him in a tearful silence.

"Rory, you're like a sister to me. Please, for me".

Rory wiped her eyes and nodded.

"Protect Wild. Promise me".

"I...I promise".

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