Netflix Cancelling All My Favorite Shows

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Twice now, I have been watching a show and am super excited, it's great, love it. I finish the available seasons and look up when the next season will be only to find out it's cancelled. 

I thought I knew real pain, nothing has compared to me getting e, emotionally attached to people in shows, and realizing I will never be able to see them grow, to see them heal. Ever again. See, I get invested. I start to care a lot more. And it HURTS when it gets cancelled. 

Like, Shadow and Bone. That got cancelled! We never get to see Kaz coming to terms with his PTSD, we never get to see Inej deal with her trauma, Never get to see Jesper get over his addiction. And we never get to see Wylan get over his dad's abuse.

That hurts almost more than the fact that they had an entire script ready for season 3, and the perfect cast that I fell in love with immediately.

Same with Lockwood and Co. Great show, love the characters and their growth and bonds with each other. 

Now, I have to read the books. Don't get me wrong, I love reading. But season one was the first two books so I know EVERYTHING that happens in the first two books. Yes, there will be details that were left out of the show. But all the major plot points and twists I already know. 

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

All my love, Ace.

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